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I work at a call center. Sometimes, I like to draw what my particularly rude callers might look like. Here’s Steve from today, who couldn’t give me required info because he was driving
...and they hated him because he spoke the truth
Man's sus for this
What? No way!
valhalla it is
Gradient Aliens 007
Being a bad boy in your mid-thirties
Mr. Officer she should be detained
Time to armour up lads
Retail is the bloody dream.
Sorry for the bad pun...
Baking baked (now with sound)
The (S)
Wear a mask, stay safe.
warped perception
The Gulag is Dank
Confused unga bunga people
I will die on this hill
The honour was mine
*screams for no reason*
My motivation for today came from a gas station sign and I'm not mad about it
How immigration shaped the US
The Worker Pixie
Kinda changed up the format for this meme, but I think it works
Good Morning everyone!
Good times in Honduras
Does Peter get an N pass?
It's over.. Life has no point..
My cat when he hears someone walk in the hallway.
Straight to human trials
I bet 1,000 Yen the mods remove this post.
Accidentally parked in Thor's spot
Crunchyroll and fill the hole
Truly a cluster ***
Duck’s ability
L block
Ladies ladies one at a time
All is well that ends well
Dictators don't see generosity, they see weakness.
Godzilla V Kong 2
An actual history meme from 1980, calling out Reagan as a madman.
It was Nikita Khrushchev but I like Putin
when did I grow this neckbeard
Muthr fkn BONKLE
An new anime that looks really good
I go to Antarctica
Swiping noises
no, but seriously, does this cat piss you off?
The Flag of France according to the French Air Force
60s Portugal didn't much care for international norms
Spain without the S
Dan ''The junior High Insider'' Schneider
oh no, i sound just like my dad
Oh, Shirogane, do you really think I'm not cultured enough? HOW CUTE.
Not gonna lie it's kinda refreshing
It will only take 15 minutes they say
So you have chosen death
I'm not crying :'(
Mark Zuckerberg hospitalized after getting overworked while creating Facebook, 2004
The reason we went through all this shit
Walt needs some space; all these outbursts from Jesse are getting a bit too much
Quick Animal Fact #8
Moo out of the way
Huh, normally you have to *off* your meds to see these kinds of things
Learn the truth.
It gets so awkward
The most epic moment in gaming history
I've been silent long enough
pfft, no one will question that
His hindsight is 20/20
It’ll be here soon
or a religion cert to max out the nose slider
Def not sad.
They tricked me..
snitches get s
The paranoid schizophrenic have found a pattern in the numbers
I've fallen and I can't get up
Quick Animal Fact #7
don't be like this
Sizzling noises
He's actually right
Rather get rear-ended by the flying car.
Everyone loves a gender reveal party.
You’ve been a bad kitty
For me, it's the McChicken