Bernie Sanders puts on a disguise to hide from the police during Civil Rights Movement, 1972

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Already more stale than WWI
That was the deal wasn't it?
a wasted career
Dominance successfully asserted
The first Soviet ambassador to Coca-Cola
Harold spitting facts
Wait whaaat
Please sign it, I'll leave the petition in the comments
POV: you just invoked a 600-year-old alliance
damn that code lied to me
There's a word for that
Hope they don't start stealing water too...
Ramsay-chan can't be honest
*pretend that no one remembers*
0 days without jewish tricks :^)
A priest fights the great threat of homosexuality by cutting the icecream instead of licking it, 2011
It hurts my heart man. We could've had giant bird dogs as pets but humans just had to hunt them to extinction.
Cough cough... Haig
Should u always listen to mom?
Who could have known
Kazuma's azure adventure ,looks wonderfull
You cried and you know it
Pack it up boys
Linux for the win
Accept my offer
Still a big difference today
HL community pt.2
The sun never sets on the Bri'ish Empiyah
Resistance is futile
It appears Qian has used the United States' spells against them
Russians: Fair Trade indeed
A fair trade
Quick save then jump
Ups men don’t stop leaving packages help
haha we got em boys
Making a meme of every country's history day 48: Afghanistan
Born 1997 and earlier? It's coming.
Hope we won't be buying air in futures
Who needs Book 4 when you could have a shitty movie?
'Jesse, have you been reading my science magazines again?'
Dogelore Miku
I have crippling compression
My carwash has a sense of humor
The A train
Gonna miss him
my target? the neighbour's kid of course...
Nothing's normal with the Frizz
I must suffer these infernal puns
Ba-da-da-da-dah I’m lovin it
Doesn't matter, had sex
Finally Turkish TV uncovered the mystery of Google
Ah, I see you're a woman of culture as well
Accidental philosophy on Yahoo answers
'No, the horse didn't sneeze! That was the wood... creaking...'
Bug School
'Accidents happen, Ishii. Sometimes plague just happens to fall out of a plane onto the Chinese countryside'
More espresso, less depresso.
MOM! it has been eons
Now that's a good boi
When she has to go home after 15 min of making out
Battle with a side of bacon
see ya later virgins
a man's best breh
I just gave that thinking noise your honor NNNN
He transcends the desires of the flesh.
The cat's old nemesis
Compared to crashing the wallstreet, this should be easy.
It’s like I have a memory but without any details of the event
Meanwhile in the Teen Titans base
Dammit. Now it's gonna be awake all night.
america is the best :} fuk all other
Shots fired
* snorts gold and slaves *
Um... no, it's not like that
Y'all seen this old meme?
Ah yes, the furry snail
CIA: "But it was all in the interest of national security."
53 gold pieces for sure
That's our 4Chan
Some of you will know -
I must do it
Second shot done. Only side effect is slight hallucinations and a desire to write a letter with help
Oh Putin and his houses
skipping steps
the louvre has just as much stolen art as the British have
What really counts