The Nazis believed only the most Aryan men alive could have broken their code... they were a *little* off.

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Anyone else remember when the admins explicitly banned memes from this event?
Damnit, Colten
I can feel it surging through me
I need shorts
milk dem utters
Here use my tracksuit
I know you like free gifts on this scythe
I don’t remember this one..
SoreAyu in '22
Ah those days
The Maginot Did it's Job.
my first day in hell
I am from Indiana
mail time
Helpful sign
Flower sex explained
Let's see Bert the Turtle try and lift up a truck
I photoshopped Godzilla into that guy's watercolor of the street outside his apartment.
Pardon me my child, is thar a watermark?
We both ordered one scoop of ice cream. I think the ice cream vendor likes my wife.
Break, crack, bite, uh... NOM NOM!
This made me laugh. Hard!
Cultivate yourselves
I’m not endorsing any opinion on this, I’m just recapping the historical event
Nicolo Ramsay
Farmers have it tough, but they get by wheat to wheat
I'm in this meme
Everything's fine and dandy until someone drags their ships over land
I seriously need to play these FO games
'Ghettos? Yellow stars? Jew've got to be kidding me'
And make sure to comment to enhance the experience
The Munchies
The only good SS comes with a V8 engine.
Doom Gran
Haha weird stick go brrr
The glorious prussian axe pistol
riddle me THIS capitalists
one is good, one is bad
they deserve it
Art style vs plot of different anime series shown as Spongebob memes
The IRS is gonna get ya
Making memes till your mom becomes fatn't - Day idfk i cant count
Winning soviets
Come back :(
Its true , isn't it?
Hitler hated Italy
I didn't realised that all these men i saw in my city were in fact his followers
Doggo trying pickup lines on cat
I wish I could join them
There was only one bar
The Finns put up a fight; really stumped the Soviets
Nobodie is perfectt
why did you read the title after looking at the meme?
jubby bubbzy needs mowe moonies pwweaaase
misunderstanding must be cleared
This is dumb
I just love dogs.
Every teacher i ever knew
Keep calm, keep calm, don't make any noise...
Based cat
it'll be like that
This one made me giggle
Parry this you filthy sloth
The Russian Revolution goes brrr
but the open mouth hole defeats the purpose, ma'am
anime couples are so cute
Soviet space program
Cold sweat thinking about it
Programming is painful
RTX off
Vely Funny
Wrath of Heavens
Damn Romanians!
At what cost?
Anon is confused.
The Third Wave experiment is actually kinda fascinating ngl
Gotta learn from this guy
Professor Oak is a Hugeloller.
wash your laundry, clean your room, rinse your foreskin
Adobe Kd
Found out years later that the little bits schools did teach about it was all false
I actually asked my friend when his birthday is, after 6 years of knowing him.
i SAW one of them in a MOVIE
And through you, child, I shall become immortal. NOW GO AND DEFEAT A CRIME SYNDICATE ALONG THE WAY!
it also definitely isn't the doors, or the roof
You'll thank me later
They love me.
If only there was a nudist who likes cheese... Then I too would have a character to relate to.
Painfully acurate
Respect for this man, respect.