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"Are you a tranny or why do you constantly use this fairy as a reaction image? Do you identify with it?"
Null, 6.12.2021

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The Coca Cola company responding to complaints
Making a love is war meme with every meme format I can until a new episode is released, day 191
Me for real bruh
Please tell me more
Think Ethan think
Cuz dads should support their sons no matter what
Thye worked on it at the same time they did Shrek, coincidence?
They really did it
I like this titans more
Finally X-Box
Face the disaster that is yet to come.
whats up with this new duck gif am i right?
Oh heckin yeah
This may end up bad
i think op is stalking everyone
Now excuse me, I am gonna put on my marvelous half-a-meter-tall wig made of horsehair, expensive pink silk costume, and high-heeled shoes to assert my dominance over the peasants
Do you get to go on a date with the genie?
Hello kitty
When you're 5'7" but everyone think you're still short
Nomadic pastoralism? Kind of cringe bro.
I mean yes, but also yes.
Probably done before, hopefully not
Challenge them to war
Every time i look at the mirror i see an ugly clown, weird...
Reading is for nerds
Poor Brazil :( you will never be forgotten in our hearts
Try White Castle if you wanna “go big or go home”
I get bananas, I see nothing
i need freinds :(
Wholesome meme for you all
I was rich
Hood whiskey
Running intensifies
That's not how you play the game
What is wrong with me
No, John, playing hoi4 doesn't make you a historian
Alright i will
Never free from sin
This is how Supreme Waifus sit.
No sweaty, the term is "Cheese resembling grease production byproducts, colorized and solidified"
Carthage is interesting beyond its conflicts with Rome guys
I know that some Muslims also opposed the sciences of the Golden Age
To hotwheels and beyond!
Get a load of this!
Can one identify as paraplegic?
Well, it still was SHIT!
That’s rough buddy
Billy, age 27, moments before becoming the first person to travel to space without a rocketship
Yes, just us guys
This boy has drip!
Mission failed unsuccessfully
They could have been German! Nobody bothered to ask
I'm just playing for fun
Help a fella out
A candle my friend received from her adult daughter for Mother’s Day.
Student-teacher conference
You have no soul if you didn't laugh at Nichijou
Freedom fries and Liberty steaks
A horse that looks like a pale emo kid with a hoodie?
The first time my sons been in a toy store since the pandemic hit last year. Rioted like it was toilet paper.
My favourite language
Sayu | Let Me Stay
Homeboy was a straight up hermit
The Walking Tomato
Monarchs hate this one trick
It happened in 1980's so it qualifies
anyone else did this?
Why do entry level positions need 5 years experience?
So based
*rubs hands*
We’re nearing the end though
My dream job…
USA do be like that tho
Spain but the S is silent
Phalanx - Ol' Reliable
90% of Re:Zero fanart summed up
Oh no, oh fucc Ğ
How didn’t I notice sooner?
First come first serve
Pre-HDMI era meme
Dill Jong Un
"Because it's not just about boob, but also about a simulated attachment"
Where the muffler Jessica!!!
Only if they knew about the late empire
I went outside to pick my wife a rose. I think I found the perfect one...
Unlocked ability: explosive microwave
Ohio awaits you Von
let them introduce themselves
Eating bread - the most evil of crimes