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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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It was still a good anime indeed
Black Punther
Tastes like green sour apple
My lil Rex
I definitely need meds
I was relieved to see this
The sketches would have been completely different with historical accuracy
My contribution to neighborhood potluck today
That’s an interesting hill to die on, my dude.
In a fight right?
Drake, Where's the door
Chad Washington
Saw this boat at a gas station near my house. I enjoyed the name.
Crypto bad
A signature look of Roman superiority
Sank that ***
if hes real of course
They had us in the first half i aint gonna lie
Being Appreciated !!
Who do you think I am ?
That boy veiny
Am I god?
Holy shit, That’s messed up
For tobacco use only
The Americans were well and truly Vectored
Shit, I’m a day late
'Lord Ganglynads, the shadow has crossed the line! To the tavern!'
My Friend Of Misery
We gotta do something
ah yes culture
U ok?
Racist weebs
So easy
You are not good enough so you lose
It's breakfast time, my dudes.
Average school system
Ah yes, the Confederate Union flag.
Mr. Sam
Crippling tea addiction
The CIA made me post this
You caught me
I don’t understand this
I'm making piss
Cleaning out my grandmothers old house and found this absolute gem written to her by my grandfather some time in the 50s
That's too damn bad
New format!
You're a wizard Harry
Update Required
People's lives don't matter - CCP
Back to Office
But I am superior
1 shot on my X
Goblin Slayer alt timeline?
The part we never got to see
The Protestants really did a number on the Catholics.
He's so strong!
I'll need a weapon
Excuse me
I missed this other one apparently. My aunt was REALLY bored
I'll take your hand girl
What do you mean this is no meme, don't you see the sojak and gigachads?
Yes big GAY, Indeed
Fido is learning too much
Cousins took this pic, they belong on a cover of a 90s Hip Hop album.
Pirates are superior beings
Saddam Hussein becomes ruler of Iraq
The first wolf being domesticated by humans, circa 20,000 BC
To be seen or not to be seen, that is the question
Where have I seen this before?...
Kurt Cobain doing coke in his younger years, 1975
You Lying
who r u? b*tch Spiderman
Take this and Summon me in the Morning?
Jealous Sasuke
Take the Deal Senpai!!!
Level : Pro
It smoo
She is annoyed
Just sayin'.
They are sleeping
Technically im not wrong
Humour has come a long way
fair deal? shake hands?
American bald eagle v Australian wedge tail eagle.
fresh one i made