My daughter is at the Ivan the Terrible torture museum. I consider this a masterpiece.

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All of this hundreds times a day
Sweet & bitter memories
Just us boys being boys
Mario discovered his new passion
*pizza time stops*
Your going to polish brazil
Making friends lifehack
Ich werde Japan niemals vergeben
Yogi bear waits for campers to return during covid season.
The first ever diagram comparing lungs before and after heavy smoking is created
Sounds like dictatorship but with extra steps
culturally, japan is light years ahead of us
Sleep bad. Fiber good.
Please don't move your car.
The truth can hurt. But I'm ready to accept it
..... how
Get that ass up
Look at the 'Angry Bird' face on the Owl!
Still waiting for that shit to trickle down...
I would kill to be able to visit it
Shitpost but well
Some of you wouldn't even be mad
Ol splashy
Bruce Wayne's Dilemma
Freedom land1776 has left the chat
A summary of this sub this week.
Typical Workday
Get in, we’re going to see a holy site.
Just a cat in a hammock,keep scrolling.
Do it for them
We don’t NEED you back in the office, but we’d really like it.
This is my uncle. My cousin just showed me this.
Side effects may include death
Back in my day we didn’t have all those fancy “gay jokes”
I'll take tonight
Show me
It's midnight, it's my birthday and my girlfriend just came in with a box of this: Vader Muffins. Should I marry her?
Going on nice walks with your girlfriend
Then the trees started speaking German
Fun fact: "1812 overture" became so popular that Tchaikovsky ended up hating it because it overshadowed his other compositions
Changed jobs recently, by far my favourite card received
That job you just hated
'26 flavours, Dad! Isn't that cool... hey, where are you going?'
I need to do this next time I’m picking someone up.
We follow the example of Jesus
I'm inspired
I have many problems with the school system
'Yes, cousin Isabelle does look like your sister... maybe she is? It's hard to keep track'
Can you stop please?
Betty White and I at an animal research foundation dinner in 2009. We rode the same bus transport from our hotel. She arrived mostly drunk, and I had to show her how to find the buffet.
Ah yes, ‘democracy’
Mexican cartel
1357 hours well spent!
The soul
kids in middle school
I can't, I give up!
Welp there go my life
Everything Spanish Must Vanish
it's still to early mom, still searching for the best waifu
The three main stages of Dad jokes
You know that shit about to be sad
Kill them my queen
Mark Zuckerberg with his childhood friends,
Ironically also being a Jew of Polish decent.
Types of depression
So that was a ***ing lie
A very important distinction
It do hit different
Old lady stole a doormat
I know it's mainly a meme that they hate eachother
Confusion about food origin is prevalent all over the world
Listen to our song
Rule 1; never mess around with Eisenhower's putting green
Ryan's starting fires again, but this time in the inner-cities of America
Godammit guys, this is the 3rd one this year
So anyways
The Civil Rights Movement colorized
I added on to the meme
Oh, Alabama...
No one cared before I put on the mask
Yet another fate x brooklyn 99 meme xoxo
Trying to look "hot"
Salt is a bit too hard on the tongue
The one on the right may seal off the wearer's nervous system and make them lose all sense of morality, but it looks so cool!
Subway eat fresh . Or something like that .
spider-man, spider man
There's no pictures
Am I the only one who finds it weird?
Being a poor backseat doggo
Im fine with texting
Sugoi Dekai
Selfie-stick uchia
Always love seeing this kind of people
This memes shall live.
Great movies
If you wouldn't, then are you really even homies?
Can’t keep up with the Kardashians