And when you shoot him after he lands and he doesn't instanly die, you have to do first aid

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That looks resilient
This was the year before WW1
IP man more like computer man *I'll let my self out now
1989 in Romania is intense
"You know what is best for you. What is best is you comply."
Saw some vegan roadkill at the farmers market today.
I got the same vibe, Sensei
"That's Where WE Live!"
The best timeline ever
i've seen enough of death and pain
No WWII Memes? Have a 'Nam one instead.
I think the Roman Empire has a lot different provinces
You learn something new every day
also why aren't we taxing the fuсk out of you
Hiiii dad... highhhh daaad
It’s called commitment
yes its Sam O'Nella ok?
Donkey Has The Right Priorities
We look like two completely different people
Not a lotta Richards these days
And maybe I should have used the leaf in the right place, but I'm not sure)
Eww, frogs..
Now you have a bunch of idiot tourists leaning in an open field
Im gonna show you what I Excel at, you have my Word
cicadas having coffee
Come in and tell me
smash puss
That was Smooth
Yeah, maybe its true
They somehow graduated from photoshop class
Hate how this is constantly the case
I eat grass
I found this with my 8yo's stuff. I think the second graders are forming gangs. I kind of want to join this one.
Talk shit get bite
"Oh SpongeBob... WHYYYY?????"
The mf trippin about some ring or something
Alabama needs to up its game
I'm pretty sure Bill Clinton put him up to this
El Shinra Tensei
Always check the news
Witches & black cats
Learning the hard way
So many errors on this sign
What do you think about the Gypsies?
Them air vents be so clean
Imagine having a spouse and a baby
Never judge a book by it's cover
Trust me, it is
If only I had the money to do the same
average human
He seems cool
'Well sir, I'd love to give up my seat to this white woman, but I just could not give a single ***'
Can't find him anywhere and then he walk out from the chimey look like this
I'm the oldest person alive
The first prototype mobile suit tank
Crispy Meme #226
August 6, 1915, 30 years before the first test of a nuclear bomb on a live populous. Also, coincidentally, the date of one of the most METAL of battles of WWI
He hates them
After I fap tomorrow that is
Cincinnatus would rather sow the seeds on his farm than sow the seeds of dictatorship
Well its because they are
She has a good point
nOT a sexuality
A small harmless accident can ruin your life
He is jealous
I dont remember this kind of bullying.
Don't make this sexual
Classic food wars
Why it be like that tho
Profit. Btw the sauce is Maria Holic.
Let's end raci-
Karl Marx Being Encouraged to Study, 1823
Don’t lose your things
"Then why don't you feed them"
Can’t believe it led to a lifelong addiction
Please stop calling me
Le inflation has arrived
The meme edition of this famous quote
If there is a country with a history of the civil rights movement stranger than Brazil, I don't know this country
Based Truman
I guess he didn't need that tho
Great!! There goes the neighbourhood....
And so many others
My parents looking at the neighbors
POV: you were born in the US
Sneaky little bugger
I’m impressed with this guy.
Can’t believe my step-mom sent me this
A dull axe is still very much lethal
A cute little fox....
Clever Girls.
And that's how babys are made
Listening to Alex Jones explaining to Joe Rogan how the government spiked his cum with fluoride for-
Watchu got there doc