Their service now includes a butler that tells the cashier that you don't want game protection

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We can't catch a break
Biggest bruh moment of my life
I wanna be a bra
Yuri didn't like my house afterwards...
gotta have the essentials
Best job useless peeps like me
Life be hard for use baddies. I'm a hugelol baddie >:)
Tits and ass works every time
Happy Father’s Day to all dads out there!
Must be a Mazda
Local convenience store tip jar...
Numerator? Denominator?! Alright, I'm drawing the line here
And then he realised, he is not a cat
Time to talk about the elephant in the room...
Dad's always had my back
Joe Rogan solves homelessness problem
Nalanda was one of the many universities that were destroyed.
No other kid was so punchable
Hmm yes sushiza
Hating tik tok is still cool, right?
I buy my husband a nice new toy, he just wants to play with the box.
We can think about nothing
Almost freaked out for a second
Britian is a lie, wake up
to the guillotine
Hell yeah brotha
"sign up to read further" *** you and your website
O_o I look good
Many, many times probably..
*Posting this while escaping horny jail*
Winter Is the only true Russian Ally.
If you know,you know
Imagine this dude see's this
When you stumble across the forbidden texts
Does this count as a anime meme?
CR 7 movement
It's just 10€
I am 4 parallel universe ahead of you
Wow, that is relatable!
Time to escape from reality
Bruh thank you
Parents are not so good at being parents sometimes
All’s well that ends well
Renuni and Janino
true ***ing facts
This is creepy af
Tyler was a naughty guy in high school
Play nice or I'm telling dad
At least the restaurant lets me choose my toppings
They don't die peacefully
Damn you!!! ANXIETYYY
My hotdog
Enjoy the rest of your day, my fellow memers.
Why would she do that
Dictatorship of the proletariat, right?
Luck of the Irish? Never heard of it.
'You've wasted those nuggets, Yakov. I never knew you could disappoint me more'
She has met her match
Hard for me to decide between samurai and vikings :/
Chicago 1871
Depression is real.
The real horror !
Dead meme but I felt like usi6it anyway
They said no reaction memes, so....
I need bail money
Looks good
Everybody stay calm, it's happening
fAtHeR’S dAy iS mIsOgYnY
Funimation and Crunchyroll are taking sides
you know who you are! sit straight now you banana shaped idiots!!
Was pretty wholesome if you ask me
There are certainly a few
The Churchill part is inspired by operation unthinkable
Get it, don't be pussy
Hi diddily ho, Bismarckirino!
And they whoop their ass too
Seems kinda hot ngl
Mod Announcement: We want to expand/edit rule 12 to encourage more varied content. Tell us what you think we should include!
Tell me if you want the template.
Me: *sees a brain*
Don't mean to hate, just something nostalgic
I too enjoy making mountains out of molehills
Hey everyone
Finally! Adult Lunchables!
Thanks for the tips
How it feels to be a king
Turns out I'm blind
I just saw a sad videos about doggos so why not
pooh is angry
And that's why they outsourced the power to supranational organisations