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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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Buddy Gator - New House
fAtheRs dAy bAd
Happy birthday, grandma!
us of a
Batchad puts Wonder cringe in her place
Google 'Thai King Maha Vajiralongkorn wearing crop top'
Literally the best
You aquired the forbidden knowledge
Just yeet’er out
Ligma balls, 2019/20
Daily post #29
I have enough of these double standards
I'll take 3
Ah, My Favorite Revolutionary/Pirate
You don't even have to be ripped - just have a charismatic personality and plenty of self-confidence
Old as time
Protection is very important!
Sardinia just fancied a quick holiday in the Crimea, that's all
Americans die just by looking at legos
I haven't watched the anime yet and neither read the novel but I just had to do it as soon as I saw this post on Facebook.
It's still good
Little ***
Can you relate
The best kind of leaks
Good reason
Not at all....
I would too lol
"Can you loosen my belt, please? You can suck my c*ck while you're at it."
Fairies \o.o/
Attempt 2 since last time there were complains that it was still the 22nd
Feelsgood being a poster in a see of braindead commenters (some of you guys are cool)
Historians have a term for deals like this: they call it 'stonks'
The accuracy though
The small funny speaking guys in the bushes are kicking our asses, let's call it a draw.
Why are you Romanian
Some wise words by Buddha.
Correct answer?
The SEND NUDES says, “perv”, but the heart muffler says, “hopeless romantic”.
I hear they have sub vs dub fights about western movies.
haha yes
brazil meme
Alignment chart for some MCs
Voice actors are underrated
Strange that all these groups got together in the end
We know, right?
There's a sink next to you
Bitcoin Experience
The part 2
Some other types of horney
best gurl hiratsuka
My great grandfather, circa 1900.
I guess it's an absolute stonks then
i don’t think that’s right
That's Auburn for you. Let me tell you it all went down hill from there
Guerilla warfare is a ***
Dinosaur? Crocodile? Sharks?
“Lenin founded our state, and we’ve ***ed it up.” - Stalin's response to Operation Barbarossa
Devil went down to Georgia
The part one
I still don’t know
Would u do it?
Preparing for a zoom meeting.
This happened today. Someone has some explaining to do.
I've heard of the munchies, but this is taking it way too far
All the seats are taken
The Russians always felt like a fish out of water
Japanese iron was so shitty, they had to fold it to get rid of the impurities
Its the elder monkey.
if you hate the bad guy that much that means the actor did a good job
epic move
"poop" "pee" "fart"
vasco da lost
Hope this won't offend any fellow Christians
Is this wrong?
If u are catched youre stoned
Eastern Europe`s history is depressing...
Going the opposite way of eternal life but oh well
My eyes are falling out of my head in the second panel
How to draw hands
Canceling plans excuse generator
i’m so excited and worried 0_0
Let’s be honest tho, Dry heat is better.
Looks alike
oh, you do?
Vegans: I stop eating meat to save nature..... Nature :
Fam be hating