Nobody Will see us here on this rooftop wearing this uniforms that only members of our organization wears

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I love you all
Yes, I'm still watching
based user
it works
I am what I am when I'm not see I've never be
30 years old me...
Like thats ever gonna happen
At the end its the same thing
Yes. Ozzy actually did this.
Wrecking baaalll !!!
Insert *we dont do that here* meme
Hear me out...
Life is pain au chocolat
Oh- Oh no..
Found this on Tumblr. Not sure who to credit for it.
Take all i have my dear queen
I respect you guys who mind your own business
How to Make an Empire 101
My 4yr old: "Why is there an Iron Man helmet in your freezer"?
Soap when you drop it in the shower be like
How did he know ?
Very poorly thought out
*spits* I can do this all day mate
Joji spitting facts
Inspired by another meme
Selective breeding results in genetic changes
Now with more glitches
Based hunter gatherer vs Cringe modern human
I'm sorry. I gotta defend my boy Herodotus
Zombieland Rule #1 applies
I wasn't disappointed when we got home
Everything is a UFO from far enough away
I'm not addicted, I just like to be as high as possible
Realty can be whatever I want
I have a plan .... What if we simply don't fight Napoleon? Genius
Who tf is this ***
British government: buries head in sand
Duels Should Come Back
second-hand, you've been tricked
These guys are like demi gods
I literally can't unsee it
Haha america i had sexual intercourse with the axis
This week; the Avengers must fight the Disciples
It's time for Trotsky to go on a little holiday...
my three year old son found my hair clippers
Saw someone post about bad fashion, so I thought I’d share this Popeye inspired look.
This game is wild
Automated Truck
Bird Dress
Same bro, same...
Don't think about it
Gas my lover out
When the DS ruled the world
Chad platforms here
I bet this dentist is a multi-millionaire
Subjugated, colonized,tormented and divided by multiple invaders
i meaaan it s kinda true
None of my business
Took some work, but he got it.
It's worth conquering a few empires for
Another useless historical stat for ya
Germans attacking the French defensive positions at the Battle of Verdun
Reject Coomsumerism, Return to Enjoyment
She be a great teammate.
You've to careful if you do it in dark room...
Sheep sheering meme
I hope it was helpfull
the benefits of being in a comic
Mosquito trap. The mosquito lands on the salt, thinking it's sugar. They get thirsty for water, but the cap has rum in it. The mosquito gets drunk, trips on the stick and bangs its head on the rock.
Hmmm...what happened b/w 1914 & 1918
This is exactly what I needed.
I thought I lost you
Gotta maintain at least a little adipose for this to work
Makes we want to burn it down
Anyone remember these?
So,she failed
Virginity is cool, stay pure
What a way to kill the mood
Stealing whоre
Will it ever finish?
You got lotions?
Don't you just wanna bite it?
I thought it was federal banking
Who remembers these
What would Genghis think of this?
Indochina Wars in a nutshell
Welcome to real. Welcome to fresh. Welcome to...
Who would do this?
In a while…
feels sad man
The homies get a new couch
Closed mouth don’t get fed ladies.....
Yeah,it's big brain time
Walmart mouse pad