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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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Freedom intensifies.
this is a hate crime
*3am starts playing*
It's for the best.
Donald Trump and Melania Trump moments before getting attacked by an illegal immigrant, 2011
Ken was the only sane person in the whole movie
Meeting girls is difficult
Thank you, Mr. FBI
I guess I'll have anxiety forever then
OK, so what is this look called?
It is called football
Google Translate is your friend
Winter strikes again
Hard facts
This is so accurate !!!!
Top notch Science
Two Goddesses having same energy.
world first troll
Truman was starting to worry about MacArthur; this was his third nuclear crab dream this week
This is a free world
No escape from reality
It's common practice to fire AA guns topless; means you're more mobile
Top 10 questions scientists are afraid to answer
spanis bread
Ignoring isn’t an option fella
That must have hurt real bad
Mario kaarrtt
I just found out about it...
Africa sucks at Age of Empires 2
What is his stand name?
My friends girlfriend moved out and took everything, including the drawer handles
barista hates cringe
I know yall pickin' the tiny tiny one
Russian bear : oh that’s cute
Of course it was harder then, but it wasn't all dark and gloomy
You get used to it.
Yo, Peter
yes im serious, i wanna know lol
Mikasa is my ultimate waifu
Just saw this while getting petrol. Absolute legend
This man's IQ must be off the charts
I don't enjoy killing but when done righteously it's a chore like any other.
Not that it would have happened or anything
I was told this would fit well here. Behold my webbed toe tattoo!
Chicken, duh- right? You’re picking chicken... right??
Chicken is best, prove me wrong
I told my wife she should not wear a sweater with her Canada Day shirt
I am alone
A Danny devito sounds Great!
Some but not all
She knows too much!
today's mischief
Everything has gone Deutsche!
There’s a town in Massachusetts called Sandwich and their cop cars read “Sandwich Police”
Monster musume is gold
F*ck twitter
Urinal etiquette (OC)
Happy Canada Day Buddy!
first appearance of democracy
*probably watched only one of them
Why he is not hugging his wife
'Merica F*ck yeah!
Actual review
They upvote my memes
Appreciate it
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 303 ✓
Glück auf
Free karma baby!
An impressive résumé for a woman during the early 1800s
Never forget the My Lai Massacre and the man who stopped it
Hear me out white women shouldn't be allowed to buy stuff
As nice as heaven
help a little devil out
Stupid ***ing ***
Of course
For those having a bad day
Please, stfu
differences people, differences
damn straight
Wait that's not what I mea.... nvm
Where's my body?
Next stop, the Holocaust museum !
chad move
time to go back to normal
355 years!
Photo proof for my sister that her cat is excited about me babysitting him
Got violated ngl
Finally, we’re safe
F**king legend...
Please don't invade me..
Eigentum der BRD