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10-Year Club

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Every speed sign should have this
Cats will find a way
Poor musicians
I always knew Snoke had something against the French
Nino all the way
Embrace him.
Live broke die broke
john cena will answer
It will always be a mystery to us boys
oh anikin
Truly a sad moment
Sylvepper Stallone
pls donate your "Fs" for that poor fella
tfw no lesbian clown gf
I was Number 2
Finally after all these years: iconic duo
Just Don't do it :)
Pain. Just pain.
Many Germans also saw him as a deserter for fleeing to the Netherlands
Yup that about sums it all up huh
Idk who made this..
'Thomas, are ya thinking what I'm thinking?'
Best healthcare system in the world
Next level vocabulary
"Sam missiles, in the sky!"
I can hear the music
Witcher is with us
Ahhh shit here we go again
My skills are superior
Wild photographer
While I’m thinking how to be financially stable there is this guy towing a Lamborghini with a Lamborghini
I don't care who wins as long as it's not England
it’s only getting worse
I'm not responsible for my flaws, they are all caused by mental ilnesses that I diagnosed myself.
Strictly speaking, Yugoslavia didn't have an "air defence system".
Look of death
Everything is always sex
Hiding the screen
My shift key gets stuck sometimes so I have to do this
Grandpa 1 Alzheimer 0
“I made one fatal flaw: I assumed someone else could do the job”- Theodore Roosevelt, basically
Best pic of my daughter and I at the beach
Oh Boy I'm sure this medical research will be helpful for treating disease
Large or small it’s still gone by the time the movie starts
It only works once tho
Click now
What is a girl?
This is so dumb, I’m sorry
Rich Personality
Komi san meme
Getting rickrolled in a parallel universe
Best Balancing act!
To be honest, who had even heard of France before they launched a cat into space?
Guess who is the direct descendant of Harald Bluetooth the first Viking king
I wish it were true.
I made you this homework with my tears.
On the topic of ridiculous ID photos, my brother likes to make a sport out of it as well
Taking Polo to a Whole New Level
Funny gym advert in London
Birds are ***ing weird
Who wouldnt?! Its a tiny cow!
Game philosophy
Aot >> Attack on Titan
The car’s owner was so lucky to have the cat there
The Lost Generation
This community requires title to be at least 4 characters
At least they asked nicely
I would have loved to be a spec-tater during this epic confrontation
Still a banger
Wise words he speaks
First dwarf in the bitcoin mines of Toronto, Canada
One of the best shows in the modern era of Cartoon Network
The war never really left him
Plant the bomb
Don’t be a fool, wrap your…
Finally someone in my life
Noted, will keep tip in mind in the future.
This kid's XP levels are gonna be maxed out in a week
lol imagine being able to going to college
Brrrrrr go mantis bug
Say what now
@ 88mph
The average horse has 15 horsepower
Biggest chad in town
Oh, an encore!
Is It even possible to be any more disrespectful?
And this plan didn't backfire at all!
What could be so urgent??
completed R*m collection
You fool, you fell for the classic blunder
A man can dream
Yo, long time no see
just facts
Just a joke