When they say that just show the most brutal anime you can find like Blood C or AOT

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Can't ban this
I literally mean the worst
You are sick girl. Reach out for help.
Poor elephant.
Anime is literally a life saver
All are lies
Rub Any Sickness Away
One of those bros didn't even say "no homo" after complimenting my nice ***, SMH
F man I’m sorry
These are your only options.
That's when she's ready for that hard wand.
Don't worry mom
How to write "Hello" in Mandarin
How can water be this hot and not become steam.
Legendary three
kaguya shinomiya loses...
I guess that's fair...
I do that quite often
Pardon my english !
That would’ve been really good
He had the moves
It is true though
happy end
That IPA.
'Uh, Dad, you may want to take a look at this...'
Suffering from severe back pain and I feel old already
The American war of independence
They did them bad
Funny how old laws can coincide
rapidly deteriorating
The legends were true..
More than 80% of the Jews extradited from France during WW2 were arrested by French Police, not the SS
The Mexican involvement in the Pacific Theater was small, but it was honest work when the 201st Squadron put 30,000 Japanese pilots out of action
gamer stuff
I'm sorry I failed you
You'll be Rick Rolled.
I hate running around in circles
Only people I hate
This had to be an accident… right?
Be ready to wash your eyes
So Costco got rid of their straws in favor of tabs…
It's just a game
Everytime I wanna watch a video
The truth is in my comment
What an outstanding move there
History does repeat itself
Why are these hard to find?
See you then!
My mother in law's salt and pepper make me unconfortable
All i want for Christmas is yoooooooouuuuuuuuuuu
Cursed Tortise
Imagine if phones moaned
Titular Sentence
It’s always the vegans
It’s that easy
Ah, the English language everybody
at least I got to see a german kid cry during the championship
Keep the change
Ladran Sancho!
I heard my 5 yr old say “I just sawed dead people.” In a VERY concerned voice. Turned around to see this.
This man needs an 8 hour sleep
Seriously wth was that
Extremely hard
Dang groomer
Congratulations to Pizza for beating England in soccer
bri'ish post 5
Thank you for good memories
Based on personal experiences
Untapped Market
My English partner hates my new keyboard. No idea why tho...
This dude is poetic
when you’re that someone
There was so much stuff going on in the background
The Sequel no one asked for...
Ilulu speedrunning to get lewded
Tadpoles are actually frog sperms
Looking at you shadman
Deal with it
Sleep cycle
Nokia Fence
Businessmen doing business
He made me feel naked
We all know we don't have girlfriends.
DO NOT DO IT @brainyrs
Oh god oh no oh god oh no
Real gamer
Nothing is better than that
England football team
Yes m’am
We... took a shortcut... with drugs...
Who would have done it?
Paddletail and the Bills
Lost mahome