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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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When you forget the concept of relationships :
The chances of being killed by a baby are low, but not zero.
"Sir, we are detecting a super massive object moving towards Berlin, it looks like a singularity" "Its Göring"
I wasted a lot of time thinking of a title
Op.. Op.. Op..
Nearly puma pants....
'Mamma Mia, have you never heard of the frogmen at Alexandria?!'
the way my cat sleeps
+3 companionship
The origin of memes
Wait are the Britons being bullied by the country which doesn't even have an army?
Daily Psa
Accurate lol
FBI let me know if you are reading this
Yes,my editing skill sucks
he’s lying
This is true people!
it's may may time
Never seen a sitting pigeon
Excuse me,wtf
Big ups to him
7 days in heaven
One church to rule them all
Robert Louis Stevenson explores the duality of man in the novella 'Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Oh boy, here we go again
pls I0ri
In this case, 'it' referred to the British army going home
Haha so nice to watch people burn
Topical Italian things
Meme for a good cause
Not as one-sided as you are led to believe
Damn First and Second Estate, depriving me of my carbs
A rare item!
How tempting would that be?
This is just a better message to send
Checks out
He's out of line, but he's right.
Add a title
I love the PS2
Bigdong energy
I don’t even know what I don’t know
Goofy loves your tears
I don’t like it
This guy is the biggest chad
Be smart take steroids
Dammit, Vadey boy!
I already felt old but this just sealed the deal
Why would you go there..?
आप कैसे हैं ?
He’s disappointed :(
Cuh be drippin'
I'll turn into speed
I was convinced bumi was on crack
Anyone else other than me?
Each day, every day
Anime protagonists be like
Oh wow another Dom meme
I have to sleep after creating this
Credit to happy Hanna Hillam in 2017 I guess. *shrug*
Failed my personality check (._.)
Hey there pal
We just keep moving froward
Only a crazy person would do that
I feel like this is one of the only times a language actually does come in handy.
Dad no!
In 1814 we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip…
Lucky Me! I was cleaning my garage and found $100.00 dollars worth of ammo.
God damn, China is wild!
Die non native speaker
Pardon the stereotypes
This is why I hate sleep
May he rest in dog heaven
Power to the players!
With my apologies
Getting to the point
It's an intergalactic connection
Not many left
Made by "never paid for a stream" gang.
Dumb algorithm
Well, at least not all casualties were Italian; I count that as a win!
Una cerveza por favor
Wake up
Did you know that cashews come from a fruit?
Optical illusion.
The troubles
Gotta get your hands dirty
Is there a kilroy in this picture? I dunno....
They will never find him!
Why are people doing this?
You have been defeated by logic and can never recover
Seriously, who the hell thought of that?
Thank you Mr. Watterson
Hello Shoppers
Guess its staying for a while
Everything is fine at Amazon
It’s all coming together
Well there not wrong
A message from me to all of you - it's getting wild down here.
Pull your pants up bro