Sancho Martin is a possible source of inspiration for the 14th century arthurian Green Knight.

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One piece next generation
Don't be jealous!
Uh-huh, that’s my shit
Detective Good Boy
Boy what a mess.
I'll see it when I see it I guess
The Achaemenid Empire did nothing wrong
Stop scrolling, have a cold one
We probably all are bill
Welcome royal charlie
Top sold separately
Farmers for the win!
Woosh the cat
Cr1TiKaL's moist level was off the chart for her
choose one
Where other see a defeat, I see an opportunity
A lot of girls watch Tokyo Revengers for the husbandos.
I mean, what power do you have that you can make even a salad unhealthy!!
Tic tac for life.
Keeping it in the family...
If Teddy and Taft could just get along, we wouldn't be in this mess
X - 9 = 60
Did he always have one eye?
it's okay because asians aren't real people
Every time
He's right
And then they started hating each other, he was reactionary and conservative and she was liberal and pacifist
Double the occupation, double the concentration camps.
"History is a race between education and catastrophe."
I’ll have my revenge old man
My local ice cream place waving around ocean puns on porpoise just for the halibut
Found out today that my girlfriend is a keeper.
Well done king
Imagine drinking warm water...
Repost cuz my previous post was edited badly
But the newspaper said everything was fine... why would they lie to me?!
Opens the curtains to blind my eye
safety first
Good news first
Coolest thing I have ever seen
Help me step-bro, I’m stuck in traffic
That's not very pro gamer of you
Milk chocolate > everything else
hi, my name is bill
Bruh just tolerate it
thank you, calculator
Thanks babe
Literally what the cold war is
States of the Holy Roman Empire were the most complex borders I've ever seen
Such bravery
Let's Hear it for Kevin
Dedication boys
Body relativity
It's not just a matter of where it's learned, but also when it's learned.
Italy Wins World Cup
Sucks to be so old!
chad move
Russian economic policy through the 20th century is a heckuva trip
Still love him though.
'Are you sure you don't want to come in and browse my bedding wares, Hans? You look tired from all that intimidation you're trying to do'
Life lesson
they/them vegan blm acab
Flat Earther's, please comment :)
weaponized love
Other European rivers to fight 12 battles over are available
New format guys?
Mona Lisa, digitally retouched to reduce effects of aging, 2010
Anymore questions brozzah?
Tough titties
No offense to my fellow Germans!
I gotta say Metal Mario
Greatest trade deal
pls wash your face
I want to go to that tour too
Choose wisely my dudes
That one's a nope
Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" about to embark on the annual Clinton Fandango run
Opposing forces
I am the one who locks.
We are all capable of doing some ***ed up things
Smart Water?
I'm definitely a Piplup
Meanwhile, in the hundred acre forest...
Tbh I probably am one of the worst people to play as
And that's how it's done bois
I like strawberry
Struggling artist
Dante Alighieri was a chad and red robed
Got to keep it on the level
Where was France when we fought on the Abraham plains?
He’s still looking til this day.
Damn, I mean he's not wrong but like, damn
Happy birthday to the funny forward facing meme dog!
Some great bangers here
Ah yes, remain perfectly calm as floating wheels covered with eyes and multiple pairs of wings descend towards you