Legendary Chinese General “El Tigre Chino” assisting North Korean forces after American and South Korean soldiers reach the Chinese Border circa 1950

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It's just rumors, right? RIGHT?!?
Surely no one will notice.
oh no .......... anyway
!gamble all
I love alicization
Talibans with humvees : the movie
Da bomb
The guy who arranged this needs a raise
huff huff huff
We happy *wink*
well i mean... I dont blame death
Lot of scouting here
Submit to my will? Suck my nipples first
reality check
Bland pie mfs
Mike Crackhead Tyson 1988
He’s got good Genes…
Take taxi down oy vey lane
Lobster can be quite pricey; it's a real pinch on wallets
The Smelly Trinity
Weeb olympian trying out second gear and wining the gold medal
Extinction of the dinosaurs
Superior language
Get it out of my mind
A false fact, very sad indeed
With Lenin on that train, the fate of Europe had been sealed
Cod in Nutshell.
I promise it’s not for me!
Just a year before the Attack of the Clones, Australia had 73,000 Jedi on standby, 2001
Burn toast smell has a new meaning
this is how the war begins
They never saw me coming
I guess I’ll *** off
Yes of course why would I do something immoral
And that's how I lost my army
What was she thinking??
This is my first post.
The beginning is the end
I'll go with "Ok" type. What's ur type?
Still made her laugh though
Let's write a memoir about it
Don't worry about the timeline ;)
Can I get a sticker with that?
Yeah bro
Calm down, it's just a joke...I know you guys have too much questionable hentai to fit on a phone.
Where is my dirt?
Doesn't take a year
Dude, you're making us look bad!
It is finnaly complete
First Sonic and now Kermit
Haha Classic Forklift Operators
Biggest maggot
The Quasi War starts between France and the United States, July 7, 1798
Just a simple man
Ha, gotem!
Chad Roosevelt
Such an evil company
2021 has us all like.
Learning how to talk with Inigo Montoya.
pls i need money
She couldn't handle the Neutron style
imagine having a car
Stop punishing content creators, Youtube
What my friend found on Craigslist
There is no genocide in China, communism is great, we love allfather Xi
Before vs Now
Ranged VA
Regular show based
Al Capone mugshot circa. 1929
Teach me how to do this
I have good hair and a soul...
Where the boobs?
Pee in the bottle! You’re costing me my penis ride to the sky!
France deserves some respect
Top 10 best tattoo designs of all time.
Is AC just something we use here?
Ah yes, the ball.
/noclip on
in the battle for castle itter, it was the only time the United States army collaborated with the German Wehrmacht and fought against the Waffen SS
Bill is the chad of Billionaires.
Now, this is how to teach maths.
Thrilling chase happening here
The two things these countries have in common
Dumb meme
6'3, Girlfriend where?...
charlotte and toradora?
Still no luck
At least my mom sometimes tries to show interest in what I say.