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From the jungles of Seaetnam. I post cringey maymays
5-Year Club

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Arbeit macht Miau
A wise man once said: "Here's a bit of advice that has been tried and tested throughout the centuries. Blame something else", context gonna be in the comment down below
High school must've been tough for him.
Is he tall enough to use twîtter?
'Napoleon ate our pasta?! Right, time for a seventh coalition!'
That’s not fair play
I don’t wanna start a fight.
Goddamnit Phil
The accidental bride
I'm just indecisive
Flinstones advertised Winston cigarettes
I don’t want to be Gen Z
I'm 21 gosh darnit, these yungens will be the enda me
Yes indeed I have found my people
Downvote me if you must, but it is true
The duality of bisexuality
I bet he can't read...
Simple yet extremely hard
A random realization from the shower
There's a very big difference
After the Wii U fails, Nintendo looks for alternative business models
Posting memes until I get my master's degree day 263 meme 454
Since Eternity
You can't describe a whole social media with one picture// The social media:
The judgement day
If only I can see him
I 100% agree with this!
We all know it's 4
Who else can taste the spoon by just looking at this?
cheers I’ll drink to that
Hacking 101
Jerking in seconds
I hope all my homies are doing okay out there!
Number 1 is criminal …
I seriously wonder what some people have in their heads
I found it funny that a dude living in a cave for 20 years decided to vaccinate as soon as he heard about the virus for the first time
The Aztecs weren’t pretty but don’t go around praising the Spanish for something 100x worse
You became the very thing you swore to destroy, comrade Lenin!
After you see it you can't unsee it
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 347 ✓
Please, stop
Why ask why?
The international brotherhood of boredom
Vaccines were originally made by intentionally infecring people with cowpox but a bunch of pre germ theory people with no science education didnt quite get it and antivaxxers were a problem
Martin Luther wrote some very unsavory things about Jews in 2 of his later works.
I wish that there were more English sources on this war, the amount of ***ups by russia was hysterical, they even shot a fishing boat they thought was a japanese ship **in the northern atlantic**
What a opportunity!
Explaining anime to your parents
i dont get you people
Today marks the 500th anniversary of the Fall of Tenochtitlan and the Aztec surrender!
Fly me to the moon
“Jennifer Slopez is forever determined to go downstairs. Had to put up this gate that even grown, able-bodied adults struggle to open. She does not respond to verbal commands like "TURTLE! NO!!!"
Latin?! Winston has no time for Latin! It will divert time away from drinking
Think carefully, I *will* judge you
The grand old Nonce…
500 years ago today, Tenochtitlan fell to the Spanish in the climax of one of history's most dramatic conquests
Maybe Sisyphus wasn’t the best example for this poster…
The brits are coming
I am not a robot but....
Slime is the only good one
the way we think about history is weird
Umm, potent what?
As he should
They can't occupy moscow if you burn it first
Hey Alexa...
Tonight on "The British Empire"
"Something went wrong: Title is too short." Sheesh, I just wanted to pay respects.
He's blind but still has a hot girlfriend
323 days to be precise
Governor Cuomo Saying Goodbye to his Staff. Circa 2010
Europe: "They grow so quickly"
i don't usually post meme
Eh, that's not how it works...
I mean.. its true..
Yes I am included on the 6% I have first hand experience
Is this how I instrument?
Who do you think made all the vikings' sails?
How to do it all
One of them is better than the other
Just let him be!
SO MUCH οργή
If you aren't destroying your country's economy when hosting a party, then you aren't on the same level as Jean-Bédel Bokassa
Here's hoping it's good spam (who am I kidding - it's ALWAYS good spam)
Envy them
The dad was a Culhua magnate named Achitometl. Imagine going to your daughter's wedding, only to see her being turned to apparel. The Aztecs were dicks of the highest order.
Anime returning and possible new manga arc.
Learn to say No
I was looking up 'American Dream' on Google and found this...
After death Unlocked Immortality,task failed successfully