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Life hack
A perfect spot for a family barbeque.
The tree that just doesn't give up........
*** the CCP
As well as killing half your court
Free ride
well at least Wednesday looks better than before
Like fr tho
I like the Gordon Ramsay scramble like everyone else on Twitter
KFC car
Miss the old shows
Done & Done
Seriously though,why would people think that
Who even does that
Rain rain go away.......
nobody expected this tho
Just chill
The start of the hyperinflation in Zimbabwe
He basically got off light on a political assassination likely due to who the victim was
I’m all of the above
Greeks and Romans believe in skirt supremacy
They were going crazy
Press F to ...
Some elites were really concerned about this barbaric fashion
So this one won't sink
The perfect girlfriend
Well that's gotta hurt
And all of them left out to dry by Western Europe
unforgettable hams
She's holding a gun
Bread is sexy
My favourite quote about grizzlies during this time are "guns only infuriate"
buww buww buww
It explodes. BOOM
You simply have less value.
This is extremely sinister
If you're not doing it to bypass a filter, you either say it normally or not say it at all.
I wonder why kids don’t play outside anymore
You see some sins are unforgivable
"One Char is better than 14 Panzers, but the Germans always have 15"
You know, I'm 0.00028 percent Mongolian
And thus catacombs were created
How long do those records go back
He was also the guy who refused "the crown from the gutter" or the proposal to make him Emperor
Get a double vanity they said. You can have your own side they said.
Personally I can
You know it's true
I work in a children’s psych facility. I asked my patient why they drew this and the response “You mess with Abby you get the stabby”
Bob Ross during the early days of his military career .
One Per Customer
bottom text
just guys being dudes
So the Italians will never bother the Ethiopians ever again... right?
We found the characters irl
New male
Anon deals with a stroker
Arbeit macht Miau
A wise man once said: "Here's a bit of advice that has been tried and tested throughout the centuries. Blame something else", context gonna be in the comment down below
High school must've been tough for him.
Is he tall enough to use twîtter?
'Napoleon ate our pasta?! Right, time for a seventh coalition!'
That’s not fair play
I don’t wanna start a fight.
Goddamnit Phil
The accidental bride
I'm just indecisive
Flinstones advertised Winston cigarettes
I don’t want to be Gen Z
I'm 21 gosh darnit, these yungens will be the enda me
Yes indeed I have found my people
Downvote me if you must, but it is true
The duality of bisexuality
I bet he can't read...
Simple yet extremely hard
A random realization from the shower
There's a very big difference
After the Wii U fails, Nintendo looks for alternative business models
Posting memes until I get my master's degree day 263 meme 454
Since Eternity
You can't describe a whole social media with one picture// The social media:
The judgement day
If only I can see him
I 100% agree with this!
We all know it's 4
Who else can taste the spoon by just looking at this?
cheers I’ll drink to that