It seems like when you read medieval and renainnsance history half the wars were ended because there was so much plague they had to give up

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Happy independence day to my Indian brothers and sisters
Or a couple of premium psychic poodles
Yakuza time
'Oh look, Henry has moved on to his third wife already. Ain't that something...'
gg ez n remath
All my homies HATE old kingdom Egypt
Starting late is better
What happened to the ancient Greek cities in the middle ages? Final Part : Corinth
Bulgaria: "They're the same picture"
I just got 10k karma today… :(
Candy store closed early
I have many cousins that are not actually blood related
IT happened just to me of to everyone?
Larry the Cucumber auditions for VeggieTales, c. 1993
EZ Do it yourself!
Get your French fry looking ass out of here.
Shitting royale is the best
jeez wait a while
Discord based
Bench not secured for ride from ceremony to reception.
Excited for phase 4 of the MSheU
The confederates attacked fort Sumter so they were the aggressors
The carcinogenesisphobic bois
It's happening in Germany
My brother made a birthday card for my dad
It’s very hard to 1up mine
Down with the Crown.
Based dad
I saw this at work today and I was crying
I'm starting school tomorrow wish me luck guys
Spotted at Raiders preseason tailgating
Chocolate. Don’t mess with me.
I like this type.
Guys, I think i just solved racism
It's a much shorter movie
Peter knew how to party
“Those who are full of wisdom are wise” -a wise man
Don’t mind me I’m just
any critiques?
Goddamn it
Pov: the 4th crusade
Must fulfill the cycle
Drift the cart all the way
We had a good run.
Bulgaria: "We were bad, but now we're good"
Hurry, while their asleep
I’m significant
definetely the wheelbarrow
Personally I'm a 4
Hand Over the Keys!
My wife on our honeymoon, the first time she had seen an ass.
Somewhat same mustache as well
Its time for Anschluss
Y'all need to admit it
Masochism intensifies
that's what you get for sucking on ice
So anyway I started invading
It has to be B!!!!!
I’m gen z and I hate calling people
Controversial meme 2
Yes I have 6 packs
My wife had this shirt made for me.
Those ***ers are up to something
these dream stans must be stopped
Portugal really got a bad rep
My generation’s cartoons were wild
And that is why we are objectively better
Honestly why
and It was a doujin
Life hack
A perfect spot for a family barbeque.
The tree that just doesn't give up........
*** the CCP
As well as killing half your court
Free ride
well at least Wednesday looks better than before
Like fr tho
I like the Gordon Ramsay scramble like everyone else on Twitter
KFC car
Miss the old shows
Done & Done
Seriously though,why would people think that
Who even does that
Rain rain go away.......
nobody expected this tho
Just chill
The start of the hyperinflation in Zimbabwe
He basically got off light on a political assassination likely due to who the victim was
I’m all of the above
Greeks and Romans believe in skirt supremacy
They were going crazy
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