I don’t ***ing know what’s happening but these revolutionaries must be stopped

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Don't look in the corners
I bet she is a nice student
Not that I get any.
This would be the best world to live in
All he wanted was to be buried with the soils from his homeland
Life doesn't give you a second chance. CHOOSE CAREFULLY
What the *** guys
Coming up next, 'The Case of the Missing Male Heir'. Stay tuned!
Rare set
Loyal to the generals...
Choose a side!
Right on cue
He and the boys
who keeps stealing ma chips
I'm very grateful
To arms brothers!
"You were the best bot."
'Hey Peter, do you know what's better than playing with toy soldiers? Deposing your inept husband!'
Not the sequel we deserved, but the sequel we needed.
Such high standards
For some others it's the opposite
Normalize being rude to children
She tried really hard
Off brand anime is a lonely man's best friend
The Emperor of the West who raged against the dying of the light
Sweet dreams, my dear friends
U will cause pain and misery
OMG, I just found out that Albert Einstein was a real person!! All this time I thought he was a theoretical physicist.
Ffs people, stop that damn sexism!
Gotta wait for 7 years
Let’s see how interesting this gets
Photo taken moments before The Rock announced his decision to retire from professional wrestling
My kind of sport
God : Trust me John, I have nothing to do with it.
17th century Weebs
It's been 84 years...
I made a meme about a meme I made.
At least warn me.
FBI Open Up!!
Thanks, mom.
What did I just watch
We were told to tie everything down for the incoming hurricane, so my neighbors decided to tie their house down
This is what i was waiting for this whole time
At this moment he knew, he was getting sucked off
Appear strong when you are weak- All of Asia Minor
The Elizabethan era is even named after her and is considered the Golden Age of Tudor England
Don't Forget It, I Have To Remind All Of You About The History Again
Join us in the fight against bonking
Marketing strategies
That’s what you said isn’t it?
This is litterally how it played out
i dont know why this happens
A chicken meme
Why would anyone scream racial slurs though
English makes me wanna commit die
That moment when….
Loop is also now on mobile
Which is better? Chronological order or order of issuance?
Bats are curious animals for sure
This sounds more like a confession
Quick Harry, cast Theywerejustroommatesius!
It's like throwing a hotdogs down a hall way
It was cold wind probably , no ?
I mean if you like living in flames...
Best family photo ever
Very p preutty
>for free
way ahead of you
Well, that explains my autism
It's the little assertions of dominance that get us through the day
"The good kind"
It's a wonderful place to live
Consider me a dreamaphobe
Maybe I'm a Tsunderechist
They're so damn rare in Isekai Anime
I end up sleeping late and the cycle continues
In ancient Rome, firefighters would often tear down the buildings that were on fire to prevent it from spreading
Only Americans will downvote
It was the first time Lincoln's staff had ever seen him absolutely lose his temper.
Mushrooms aren't even any good
This is gonna make the next family reunion really awkward...
Even tho Judar Pasha's story was kind of tragic
"Dad, why are we in Mount Taygetus?"
Homie helping out
Sad boi hours
Find you a drone lit this.
I like em either way.
Love you Nintendo
Fool me once, shame on you, but five more f*cking times!?!?
Kinda dark, but baby kermit is wholesome :)
she said she wasn’t on the her period, but she was lion
It was a dark times back then. Still is now...
Sora Amamiya Evolutions