Thomas Jefferson adds "pursuit of happiness" to the Declaration of Independence

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My wife found this on one of her tables today at work
Shoulda play Blitzkrieg
Hello you can go away now
Luckily no squirrel-like creatures live below the ground
First time I cried for a penguin.
A bride with a sense of humor.
To those who say money can't buy happiness.
I did go outside today, checkmate dumb post
Or you could just ask for privacy like a normal human being
Wrinkly fingers
I'm depressed AF
Found at a Culver’s. What are they trying to tell us?
*angry demon llama noises*
A day late and a you know the rest
Now dig on this 〜〜
Those 4 animes master piece...
Sir please get out of my house
You can get a wife? Impossible!
At the request of shtposting, here's a tweet that's passable IMO
Bruh that's actually smart tbh
they do be huge
Are you okay, Billie
Peter Pecker can't catch a break
One more theory
Don't really want to know
This sign was placed behind a European gas station frequented by international truckers
disgraces of society
Saw this today. First I laughed, then I felt bad...
It’s a funny name. :*(
you think you can kill me
Am i right, guys?
Throwing Garbage directly into the dump truck
Sussy carrot
Is there a greek letter before Alpha?
Bro got finessed
50 percent faster
That motherfuc...
Floofy Fox
Respect for Toddlers
An old legend
Why is my brain so weird?
53ND NUD35
For my fellow gamers which one are you?
As an Introvert, I can confirm this is 100% true.
saw someone doing this
whoopsie oopsie
I used to
just started overlord plz dont spoil <3
frankly I don't give a damn
why hurting innocent pupil man?
To everyone complaining about Youtube ads
The only thing that makes every anime fan mad
Only slightly concerning
Communism at its finest.
"MY WOLRD IS BURNING DOWN AROUND ME", by "*** You Dad" (it's a band)
I mean this is so wholesome, dont we all love our pets
Long ago the four nations lived in peace
Proceed, and fear no evil!
Google florida man and your birthday next to it, ill start
Boo berry
Drew myself a shitpost in between calls at work.
A little late but needed to share this insight
Anyone remember these guys?
Apparently my teacher is Ballin!
She got that thickummms
I'm not christian I swear
immovable vs irresistible
Well. You'd think it'd be an easy pill to swallow.
2% battery after lunch, dead battery after work , chaos ensues
Societal observation
When the wrong people manipulate the stonks
Equal rights, equal fights.
A good boi posing for proper masking etiquette
You will be missed Norm!
Living the dream
When the nostalgia hit you like a wave
Imagine no lashes
The cosplay pot has been stirred
thank you commenters
RIP to one of the funniest people.
cursed i say. CURSED!
The is me, circa 2014, on the left. Kim Kardashian on the right, 2021. Who wore it better?
I’m this guy
Today a girl joined my class’s seminar for a solid 15 minutes before realizing that we’re an upper-year course and she’s a 1st year.
Doesn't matter if you are a ghost.....
Just heard the news. Rest it peace Burt, you deeply closeted gay man.
Poor Australians
And then you have to put up with dating, which is just a real life dating sim
I dont have anything left to post, please give us something that is more usable
> Western movie > everyone is black
My name is eugene
Seriously...tell me how?
Is it slavery if you do it willingly?
12 year old daughter had some anxiety with me watching her Guinea Pigs unsupervised