either he’s rotting in a forest or a grave and if it’s the second one, good on him

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Quit playin games TB, I can’t handle it anymore
Oh no.. sorry
Well I’ll be damed…
So wholesome✨
Formally he got enthroned in 1950 but he still beats her
This is cursed
Ain't nobody protesting the firemen
Mozart died at 35; Voltaire was 83.
And now you do what they told ya
What has he done……
Dammit, Marilyn! Not in front of the Democratic Party!
Criminal goals
Aquaman quit his job and open car repair shop
Safe to say that my country has either the best or worst taste in acronyms.
To the wire…
Virgin Roman Empire vs Chad Caliphate
Zero too
I'm sorry to say but its true
What we do for a 5 star uber review
Facts or nah?
I don't think they will
Dodging the ceiling fan every afternoon
It's pretty easy actually.
Just a boy visiting their friend at the hospital
He just couldn’t resist could he?
I'm Sure There's a Rational Explanation Here
Oh, I wouldn't say freed. More like, under new management
Yay fall!!
'Hey there, Jojo. Tell me, have you ever driven a Panzer before?'
One of the women on the JURY ended up falling in love with him too.
Colored hair is needed
Take my soul to the place of the eternal.... fun?
The quote says Cobain, but all I see is David Spade
This Is Why I Hate Ads
Lying cow is lying
Short Arm Problems - Ink Drawings
pov you're cringe bro
M'Dudes. M'Captains. M'Kings
Free market
OH BOY!!!!!!
You got a match
No comment. not even the first one
Also my dog died even before I was born
Godspeed, space kitty!
Sweet memories
The Korean War was the first and the last time the UN had any balls
Just a stroll
Trust me guys it becomes peak fiction at episode 992
Happy Fall!
Peace was never an option
Epic Raping
I made the same mistake when I was younger
Who is she and why is she everywhere
i dont know how this started
I'd rather burn to death
Driving on footpath
Won’t ever
First ever Bible Belt gay couple coming out, 2012
I got rejected the 4th time by my crush, well now I have to change the side
Does Parodying horrifically long LN Titles count as a meme?
Dad jokes pending…
Rate my setup
a nice 16 hour nap brehs
Date: 23 September 2021, Next date: 23 September 2026. I'll be back. Write anything you like for you future self or anything you wanna read 5 years later.
I hate when someone takes picture of me
Uhm, what now
64 kbit/s downloaders will remember
Good question
An invalid argument
I hate guinea pigs and hamsters
I’m ashamed of my own generation
This is why we haven’t colonized any other planets
Two of my favorite shows ended this week
If I was a technical support guy
Not efficient enough
Yeah… I don’t want to pet him
Absolute stupidity.
Chika Is Hisoka Confirmed
This is getting annoying.
When a gamer passes a woman:
Maybe it’s a little dark
a weird horse now innit?
Kanna's Words Of Wisdom
Posting memes until I get my master's degree day 303 meme 505
Character growth
Together we are united.
I got a migraine and thought of this
We’re all doomed