Today is the 71st anniversary of the liberation of Seoul so I dedicate this meme to all my South Korean buddies.

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Don't answer me
"Typhoid Mary," is believed to have infected 53 people with typhoid fever, three of whom died.
The house of saud disliked this
hi I just had a camera up my butt. I don't have ass cancer. that is all
take it for a ride
Love Coupons
Skater Girl desu ka
Episode 2: Those Four Damn Pests!
Sad existential crisis noises.
According to one study, the U.S. performed at least 81 overt and covert known foreign interventions during the period 1946–2000.
British pilots or German terrorists?
USA - rocket, Germany - rocket, Britain - ...... a big spring?
inflation r34
Did you know he's utterly insane?
How to draw a fish
A missing link
Really tricky question
Ok, now I think she’s being trusted with too much, too quickly...
Yes. You saw that right.
It's all watergate under the bridge.
It’s Wednesday, my dudes!
Kids daaaaa
Waifu is laifu...
"No, I don't have a favorite student."
What this sup going to belike on october 6
Tax this
Anon forging a kid
*Visible concern*
Who dares summon me?!
That's ruff, buddy
Nice (stone toss is a homo tho)
oh... ok
Well cute is cute everywhere, doesn't matter. *Going dark now*
How many wise guys do we got on here today?
The engineers say their skin is falling off? Take them to the infirmary, they’re delusional!
The Choice is yours...
oh how far we've come
Not one of them did any good
Men, don't do it. You are good enough
My last post got taken down for "not being historical" for some reason so I changed it a little.
Anarcho Crispy Centrist
Your free trial Of life has ended
"OK, here's your stupid badge. Can you stop writing me weird letters now?"
I needed this today, those are some nice ducks
The original meeting of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
I always knew it would be Norway to plunge the world into nuclear devastation
Damn it, Jeremy
Looks scary compared to the rest of europe but...
Never won
Everyone wins! What am I missing??
Reign of Terror
The fact that they threw me through a window rather than out of one makes me think the kidnappers weren't really listening
Beware brethren
Thus the wait began for a peace offer that never came
For real, Colombia had 9 civil wars during the 19th century.
Tbh I’d let her do it
I see, I don't fokin get it
If those tax frauds coud talk
disrespect your surroundings
shotguns are also relatively inexpensive
What they teaching us
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 392 ✓
Sure does get the old noodle firing
I moved in with my dad a little over a month ago. He asked me to clean my hair from the bathroom sink. I told him I didn’t know what he was talking about. This evening I came home to this.
Germans no matter which country they're in
C’mere son
He’s such a pure soul.
Get In Darling
I feel for all those teachers whose students have learned about Urban Dictionary.
Directed by: Robert B. Weide
Fun fact: sharks have been around longer than the rings of Saturn
I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top
Like reading a history textbook
George Lucas presents R2D2 to the public 1977
Is….is it me?
And as someone from Massachusetts, we're still proud of this prediction
Persian empires sure are cool, but let's take a look at modern history as well.
I bet the inventor is a billionaire
Irish potato famine begins
My History teacher wanted to show us his favorite meme of the week
Thanks Amazon!
Here you need this
When you pat yourself on the back...
This picture smells like cigarettes
The difference between fighting for ??? and fighting for your survival
I don't know what this 'Canada' thing is, but it scares me
mmmmmmmh cheese
Everywhere I go