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People crying over less than 20 seconds of fan service on a 24 minutes episode
Spare not, the child
At this point, China's civil war addiction is becoming a real problem
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 399 ✓
It's just pure toxicity with these fans
Hark workers, listen well. Look around and tell me what you see
who are you lasting longer with
Live from the Facebook datacenter
So much fanservice in one episode
Hacker responsible for Facebook outage identified
A Catholic priest heard the survivors' confessions and had to reassure them that they were not damned for cannibalism.
Shark Attack will have a new meaning.
All hail the tiny cow
Kapral Wotjek
I know I ain't alone
big or smol
I know this doesn't go for all 3rd world countries
I don't study dogs but I know
cabbage grower
Tell me what it look like
I miss the olden days of internet forums
it was almost like a horse racing tracks.
Chandashoka meaning Ashoka the Cruel/Fierce, he was called so for his cruel and inhumane behaviour.
"Wait it's all AK?"...... "Always has been"
RIP Zuckerberg
Superior potato performance
Maximize Your Profits
The number of states in the Holy Roman Empire numbered up to infinity; perhaps even beyond
imperials can't handle the dragonborn style
Tragedy. A moment of silence please.
Simone de Beauvoir was ahead of her time
Oversized baggy hoodies
Driving through the static
Weekly Contest 128 - The Belle Époque
I was only going to replace his toothpaste with ranch dressing
nibbas I'm feeling old :(
a little
Can I have some copies?
How it feels?
Man invents first radio, Circa 1887 colorized
(75) cats and half life, a strange fit
finally an honest politician
zuckerberg zombies
Cruel medieval punishment: You left your wife? Exile to Hungary!
Introducing Meth Llama
Crash and burn baby
I am going through a tremendously rough time, so naturally my roommate bought a mane for the cat to cheer me up. It worked.
Not so different
Memeatic cool
heterosexuality restored
I am out of the loop
Zuckerberg after hours of no ad revenue
“Facebook has sent a team to one of its California data centers to try to manually reset its servers”- NYT
For the 100th time, anime is NOT friends with Cartoon...
They found the guy.
I am beyond salvation
Everyone hopped on the bandwagon after the Soviet Union, British Empire, United States and China had lost tens of millions to achieve victory
nice rostrum
Good it ain't McNi
abuse juice
You can surrender when you're dead
Have you seen this man? #facebookdown
Any great historical figure would be honoured to be played by Cillian Murphy, I'm sure
wow they move fast
Jeff Bezos negotiates with Prime Minister David Cameron over tax breaks for Amazon in the UK
I thought it's PS1 MGS cutscene :/
Live from Facebook Data Center
"I do not give a damn about him"
It's considered an uncommon pastime.
Employee of Facebook on his last day today
*laughs diabolically*
You know its true, and so do I
I am still waiting...
Dark humor: hilarious until it's not
This is humiliating for Emilia
Shhh, servers never go down. ;)
My kid left a note for me in the fridge
Wait a min
Sure, you can hold the patent. Right up until it’s assigned to the Edison company.
when the ai stops their cars to wait for you
a cat is fine too
I'll start them eventually...
"Well, at least they ain't communists!"
Remembering the Legend
Hans get Muller ! We need to launch him !
They were large, but not the largest.
"Mommy come pick me up I'm scared" - Nixon, probably
Started from the bottom now we here
must protecc