I don't know what to do.... my browser history just revealed that my wife is a cheating ass ***.

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Swissbro bringing the bants
How to awaken a Dragon Lord
get a goth gf, or be goth gf. winner is on top
artists of hugelol, do your thing
Human Super Powers
If venom had eyes
now thats a sweet ass
Which do you drink?
Al Burak
Groundbreaking algorithm
Credit to One_Reindeer7258 for the top image
The content must flow
Threw my 5 year old a super fun birthday party and this is how she thanks me
Yu can't xi mi
time tells
I couldn't remeber how my husband like his coffee so he made a cheat sheat for me.
More of a feet guy myself
holy mother of abs
I tried to create a little model of my ‘Sitting Duck’ illustration… I think I’ll stick to drawing.
Do. Not. Cross.
The colonization of Mars
To be fair They sent propaganda leaflets
Normal day in Russia
the cloud
Jokes on him thats a banger
IT security is no joke
The iconic spaghetti scene in Lady and the Tramp almost didn't happen. We have Frank Thomas to thank for his persistence.
warning, do not allow the heyna to enter the house, sergei
PepsiCo embracing reality
The Schlieffen Plan turned out to just be a pipe dream
Pictures of the same man Before, During, and After World War I,
Step up from most candidates
Bravo 6, going dark......
next up: the purge
Every year they send a card..................
wonder how much they payed for the advertisement
nice jokee
What other endings could there be?
Reported, aborted and deported
Please do not Nadeshiko-chan
A "birds aren't real" conspiracy theory van parked in Lawrence, Kansas
Black Russian
Both are retards
My history teacher told us the story about this photo and I'll never see it the same way again.
Forgot to take my water bottle out of the freezer and this happened
Anime Physics
This gives ideas
Sudden urge to work
The N/est Family Pictures
Too relatable.
Either way. I get hit by a trunk.
The whole life of DRAC was a lie !
“She likes the thic pipe”
When a gamer visits Detroit.
Free spooks
GenZ grammar sticked me again.
Lill man ...
Company is getting 80% discount
Dad, how do I?
Money makes countries do crazy things
New slide in my home town Maple Ridge BC
Sleep is important
brehs get vaxxed i dont want this to be yall
You got me again!
This also applies to the Mercedes and the Audi that cut you off recently.
We all have one faithful bra that should’ve given up on us long ago
Death note shitposting
After watching this movie with my GF who drooled the whole time, I made this
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 400! ✓
My best friend's "Not Engagment" announcements I just got in the mail.
Ther is a lesson here somewhere
squid game irl
Every time I drink
he really is
Lil Nas seems to be a fan lol
Editing myself into a meme everyday for 100 days Day #3
Lotion is good for your skin
Me and the bois .
I'm a cool hat!
based on a post I saw earlier today
That's some info to swallow
Goku take overs please ;(
Kids don't try this at home
1992 The bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms published their revolutionary escalation of force policy
Fake a*s b*tches
You never had them
Can it say the N word?
Whatever you may have expected this bus to do, forget it
One of the few wholesome things to happen on 9/11. Thanks, friendly Canadians!
"Frankie kicked a mine the day mankind kicked the moon"
I know why @Superomega got the vaccine
Pregnant olive oil
the power of monke