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saido chesto
treaty of paris number 3078
And that's when the dead men are marching again
I think everyone had such classmate
Shaquille O'Neil on the F1 podium.
The Sino-Indian war of 1962
Go back to sleep
It occurred to me...
Austria in the Napoleonic Wars
Press X to jump
Seriously, what was happening during the Suez Crisis?
From Stephen King's terrifying novel... SIT!
Fashion statement
Insufferable History Weeb Starter Pack
For Migalhas
It's just a nice landscape right?
I don't really wants to post this ,it's overdone
Chernobyl was a collosal ***up by incompetent idiots, and not how nuclear is supposed to be
Feet and Alice Liddell
Birds and bees got messed up
A Spooky Comeback!
Don't Ask Me, I Don't Know!
No fighting allowed
For Brainyrs
It was a wild Christmas
Thanks for holding the door
*** you unselectives your breed
Hate speak
remember Rwanda and Srebrenica
Uh, maybe later
“BuT ChErNoByL”
Remember : kissing your homies is not gay
This kind of thing happens way too often.
The cat knows what's up
The Olmecs don’t get enough recognition
Operation Barbarossa failed people
Imagine ordering a group of soldiers to defend a position, then just completely forgetting that they exist.
Become what you fear
Doctors used to be cool
Ah good old times where beer was in the milk bottles
Nobita Needs Justice
Mercedes supplies the nazi blitzkrieg
Nice try CIA
Evil Hitler be like: I'm gonna do something wrong
And also, let's say, for the sake of argument, that I use commas to simulate difficulty breathing
In soviet Russia, Winter kill you
it's unfair honestly
Wait a minute...... what the fuc....
average lgbt tiktok user
The famous „philosopher“ Diogenes
what’s an odyssey?
how does one learn this power
is that allowed?
Japan rejects Poland’s war declaration
Tim Berners-Lee works on developing 'linking' technology, leading to the development of the World Wide Web
You have my sword
It’s only a matter of time
To all the flat earth conspirators out there
To Duel
As a physician and pet owner… I completely understand
She was everything :(
Eww wtf
Old Hickory couldn’t be stopped
I do declare, this is a witchy woman
What women want
What's for brekky, Poppy?
We ain't found s***
And the winner is: we’ll leave it up to the internet warriors on both sides
Pussy is temporary, drip is forever
Is it too early to make these jokes?
Try it with a friend!
Pro Fortnite players will now be making our McChickens
Not sure if I'd be standing around taking photos
First post here
Every 90's Nissan ever...
Look how happy he is after Pakistan beat India
The only type of music I listen to
Jews couldn’t catch a break in history
Saw this sign in a movie theatre restroom
Happy for him.
Today I paid 1.67€ per liter
How it should go
I’ve nicknamed my neighbors cat “Wilson”
Something I made years ago that popped up on my memories, today. Always gives me a chuckle.