People are trying to forget that the minions helped Adolf Hitler during ww2

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It’s the one thing that’s remained constant in this world.
This always happens.
Daryl, that ungrateful ***!
Bernie Sanders uses his socialist powers during a debate
When the gales of November came early
Oh, China..
No I am not 15 years old
I had a conversation in this sub about hugs and here you go.
Bloody hell mate
Boomer Time with Bill Maher
Talk to a war veteran.
It’ll suck you in
The greatest fantasy
Adulthood vs Gaming
Just admit you're xenophobic and racist.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 435 ✓
Chad Shivaji, founder of Maratha Empire. 17th century India.
It's a spicy tale that will surely stand the test of thyme
My Work has a weird parking policy, and these are some of the shop guys thoughts on said “policy”
please try not to outweigh the bridge...
Take that, you nerds !
I'll die where i want dammit!
Always for some reason
What a cute smile...
But of course!!!
It’s not even close really ................
No one started WW1
You deserve it.
A Villain’s To-Do List - courtesy of my 5 year old
Never on First try.
*Doom music begins*
Again RULE 10 - Memes about Death are NOT funny, this also includes Kyle Rittenhouse, Travis Scott concert or anything related to any tragedy memes and will result in a permanent ban
My apartment is like Tiananmen Square rn for real
Liberty had its own speed.
yeah ummm spices
I know people like this
Donate to your local museum they need it
This will be the end of wakanda
379595, I wish you all a Happy NNN
Because she's definitely not
Since y'all helped me get the scooter from Cujo yesterday, maybe y'all can help me retrieve this one from a local gang of Khajiits. They keep asking if I have coin? Please send help.
Worked much better this time
I took a class on American music and it was just this story 10 times
It's it's art my friend
Any requests?
On a park bench near my home...
I should have understood
Rare footage of Alfred von Schlieffen talking to the General Staff.
Resourceful stuff
Brett Kavanaugh runs out of beer at his first frat party
Ottomans were too busy to win a war
Posting African history memes every day for a month day 5 but it's actually day 5
Yeh, the Hoxne Hoard is cool, but check out the craftsmanship on this hammer!
A scientific marvel...
well done
He puts the “Cat” in Catan
Being a turtle is hard
Daddy chill, it's vibin' Wednesday!
My partner left potato chip crumbs in the sink last night so I sent him this
Anime = Alabama
A ruthless air strike by the Italian military, 1938
My best painting to this date, I call it 'Nordic Winter Afternoon'
Comment section do your work
My work had their first in person event and it already makes me miss working from home
Giuseppe Prezzolini was based af.
One could say, he got... disarmed
Want your boat back?
I'm 4 parallel universes ahead of you
Change my mind - Stalin was way worse than Hitler
they think spoiling shows is friendship. those ***s
I refuse to believe this
Gingerbread fun
It used to be the 4th largest lake in the world
The World War sequel is finally coming
Y yo arm look like a kebab lmao
Medusa meets King black cobra mamba
The Toyota War is WAY to underrated
Awkwardness is eternal
That's easy enough
India : The most lnvaded land.
Its Just a memory
Less flamboyant relative of the Boom Chacalaca
doesn't elaborate further
...and hes dimmadone
I know a lot of you people can relate
Carrey your mask folks.
Boris Johnson begins his political career
TY Peter