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Please come back Tom89, shadowelve, LeHerp, Deznal and Null_!

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I love winter!
Retooled post before someone asks bot
My prediction of whats to come
What happened to him
Not sure if this applies to all of the Celtic britons, then still a good laugh.
Give me water
The war never ends
If you give me an approximate time, I will take it literally
Magic Schoolbus failed NNN…
La Chancla to the head
Jesus kicking out the money changers from the temple
Ayo sleep paralysis demon do be kinda cute though..?
The last thing you ate is what you have to name him
Lions led by donkeys is a myth
When what was supposed to be a 3 month conquest becomes an 8 year old war of attrition
Well I Will Do What The Emperor Commands
Russian Orthodox Church 1:0 Vladimir Lenin
This happens more than I’d like to admit
I saw a Google Street View car in my neighborhood and took swift action. 8 years later and my brother just informed me that it worked
Still have no idea
Fine, I'll do it myself
Stuck In The Middle With Ewes
Cats are in fact a liquid...
Finally... PEREFCTION!
Why I'm polite to waiters
Still proud that I disliked Rewind
Yes, you can blame Leonardo da Vinci for turning Jesus into a bearded blue-eyed white man
How Dare
So long, sweet prince
Boi what you talkin about
We do not speak of Thailand, the most fearsome member of the Axis Powers
He even got promoted during the war!
Looks like their plans have changed.
Seriously, what the ***
Air China is based?
the story of mah lyf
They are the same, yet so different
Please stop treating us like kids
Tanegashima go bang
Wait, why is that thing moving?
Be proud, we're on the right platform guyz
Wonder how they’ll deny this one
And you just cut your fingernails
The Knight
He became Pharo aged 9 and only “ruled” for 10 years
Dental care anyone?
Poor Poland, never gets a rest from invaders
Where can I get myself these leggings, so I can roll myself out of bed and to work
A serial masturbator suffers the consequences of their actions
Why you always lyin'?
The prophecy is coming true
breaking in just to check her convictions then leaving
The things I do for you guys...
I am screwed
Saw this while drinking some chocolate milk, thought it was funny
Greatest deal of all time
Skeleton talking about muscles.
Oh for gods sake
Probably a painter!
Alzheimer's is a hell of a drug
Hint: It's not her
It’s been 190 years since his execution. Rest in power, Nat.
R*ddit moment
Big Iron was better
Car crash
The only major allied power that lost because of the war.
Finnish Human or Soviet Robot?
Goku is next
Slaves should be free! Damn those people who think slaves should be free!
chinese howtobasic just released
You must believe in yourself
Haha, E go brrrrr
It's officially dead now :(
Have you ever been trolled before?
Took an awful amount of time on this...
Do anyone know how to get a tsundere?
What better way to mark the end of the First World War than a meme about literature?
Moustache man;
And they would go on to live happily together and nothing would ever strain the relationship between the two countries
I'm anti-violence and I shall use violence if needed to stand by it.
Mods, this is a historical fact
The hardest choices require the strongest colonialism
What y'all choosing comment below
Is it too much to ask
I go for 1 or 4
People are trying to forget that the minions helped Adolf Hitler during ww2
It’s the one thing that’s remained constant in this world.
This always happens.
Daryl, that ungrateful ***!
Bernie Sanders uses his socialist powers during a debate
When the gales of November came early
Oh, China..
No I am not 15 years old
I had a conversation in this sub about hugs and here you go.