Apparently, he couldn't touch beans because it was against his teachings. The assassins caught up and killed him

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Whoville in the summer time.
Cartoon level
Wow so original
loneeeely, I’m mr lonelyyyyy
Jesus Christ and Colonel Sanders discussing which spices should be used to create the all famous original recipe chicken.
don't cry
Hoo hoo ha ha
Ooh that's right
At least they agree...
“I have tasted command, and I cannot give it up” also sorry for bad cropping
My disappointment is unmeasurable
The things you do when you’re drunk.
The gods live amongst us…
Tears of joy.
As he hums a tune in Lydian
Technical University, Tehran, before the Islamic Revolution. Ca. 1975
Famous Austrian village has finally changed its name.
Wait..what are you doing here?
He doesn't get nearly enough credit. He gets credit for the book, but not as much credit as he should overall
Guilty as charged
CVS is getting weird
Egyptian Gods are the most badass, change my mind.
Earth has turned the tables
Banana forever
Well forget the third line now
Who drew huge battlefields with stick figures as a kid?
How do you guys pronounced it?
Stop replying 'this'
Cursed post
Moskau,Moskau,Wirf die Gläser.
mmmm spicy...
Didn’t see this one coming…
Can anyone deny or confirm please
My nose is smol
black friday
*plonks on the guitar* "This one goes out to your mom."
All Poles are legally allowed to use the n-word
That's some artistic license right there.
some joked she was the 'first woman president'
quick did nietzsche write anything about this
seriously he's there
It’s completely pointless…?
Sigmund Fraud time
broz for life!
My hair be like:
Edgy joke
Don’t say it
The longer you look, the more Snoop Dogg's appear.
Day-3 Slugterra-This was the shit back in the days
And this is how Squidwich was born
Those MFs..
Dude in that headset thinkin "I wish a mf would"
The moment has come
Help me out here bois
Soviet propaganda pamphlet from 1956
I'd probably Google most of it
Men be like:
Quiet please, the Lemon Raspberry Loaf is sleeping.
Greatest recipe
It evolved..... just backwards
not a history meme™ but the nazi apologia on this sub is getting out of hand
I want with Patric
Who else sees Clarkson Hammond n may here ?!!
I found it!!!!!!!!
everyone should try this new flavor
I'll stop abusing this format I promise
Every pepper you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
Top 10 Anime battle
It's as simple as that people
Far too accurate, and nothing beats Excel humor
Jesus is my favorite dancer
Belt spell was super effective
Some people monetized the heck out of Bonk meme and are making a lot of money
Comment down below for some free facts!
Every man buys, not every man truly saves.
I like to knit
Everyone likes pizza, don't they?
Saddam Hussein's hideout where he was captured
not that I could anyways
There be only one answer
Tough Task
Hello again, Master Chief
But seriously, are there any others?
OK maybe reproducing with my niece wasn't the best idea.
Even Cats Have A Role