It's sad to see the downfall of gaming industry

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Developers are with us.
Not sure if comment or handle is more funny
Usually in videos about anime
Assassin's Creed II didn't give a fu-
It just sounds better
A poorly made meme
Stop it you are not helping anyone
So annoyed of hearing this bs
Finally off the streets
Uh........I got nothing...I'm speechless
A very good boy!!!
Winter makes people want WARmth
New Fear : Unlocked
We are not the same
Womans of culture exist too
They deserve better. I appreciate your hard work
Return note on box of LEGO.
The Holy Tags
That is good advice
Let's go with the capital punishment then
Bros over hoes
Mystery of Space and Time
Hue hue hue telsa car go zooooooooom
Like for blowjob
make it pg please, were both underage.
stronk Canada
A hunter with the last remaining dinosaur he killed, making these animals officially extinct.
Yesssss the snackssss
Cute and fluffy
*america has left the chat*
It’s called progress
think about the fall of Troy when you’re about to double text boys
Classical music can get hardcore.
Laughs in one piece
Never get obsessive and go down Wikipedia rabbit holes
I will never be able to unsee it-
They ARE calling.
Meta boi 1986
Just saw this in a bar in Luxembourg
Survival must be a strong word...
Econ 101
Oh Master Wayne...
I can see their face from behind
Definitely seen a few Xmas trees like this
Do you have?
Would you have left also?
Jesus Christ they’re so ***ing annoying
This is for you, champ
Meanwhile in Philly…
On no, not again
You can so tell
The invention of democracy
Thank you, very cool
The Dark Farmer Rises
Gigachad move
I fear no man ,but that SCARES me
Here king, you dropped this
a simple philosophy
It's just good to know it's actually about love
What the ***, Alexa
Work be like
Goodbye community
Elon bad
Hoping to cheer you guys up a bit. Saying this from experience :(
Unfortunately they're pretty much everywhere
Two weeks later.
A Civil Rights Movement one for y'all
medieval medicine be like
Not even close to her PB tho
Perhaps we treated you too harshly furries
Never updating it.
Boys are back
But my parents basement is way better…
Me on my moped
I am speed
I start Thursday
Go ahead batman we're listening
I can never unsee this.
The real reason why europe is better than usa:
King henry VIII moment
You weren't invited to the Yalta Conference for a reason..........
The Unholy Germanic Confederation is a more accurate name.
Apparently, he couldn't touch beans because it was against his teachings. The assassins caught up and killed him
Whoville in the summer time.
Cartoon level
Wow so original
loneeeely, I’m mr lonelyyyyy
Jesus Christ and Colonel Sanders discussing which spices should be used to create the all famous original recipe chicken.
don't cry
Hoo hoo ha ha
Ooh that's right