Dear Ryan, I got your Christmas card. Here’s me with my teddy bear and phone. Thanks for owning my phone company.

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These rolls are homemade
Ngl Hector do be spitting facts
Wife wanted holiday-colored porch lights. She’s not loving her new name - Roxanne.
George Wallace, Infamous segregationist won 90% of the Black vote in 1982 after renouncing his racists past.
Behind the scenes
Bus Willis
Don't look it up
By the way, I drew the format myself.
The Power of Chrysler compels you!
Thank you, Europe. Very cool.
Might be fake news - cozy Sunday in any case
Hugelol Playlist
Coz of the wife killings?
Get your shit together Marie.
keep it simple
*Ragnarök has entered the chat*
Living your pest life
Gotta get the best deal
General Grievous leads a group of Basque separatists.
"These two men never married and lived with each other in the same house for 70 years, they must have been great friends!"
I love superhot
I see a lot of graffiti in the city. Mostly illegible tags, but for some reason this one speaks to me.
It’s true that I, have indeed, shoved a pineapple up my ass.
Clutch or Kick
Oops, bye bye testicles!
I know it may seem shocking but our country is a pile of shit aswell.
Title related to Werewolves
Was nice knowing you guys
Who is this “4chan”?
It does get better
Where is the wa'uh?
I have a point tho.
Yes, I do see a swastika superimposed, thank you for noticing
He was an absolute chad
It's like the reverse uno card
Can’t help feeling like there’s already a name for this
What did we do wrong?
i knew it sounded familiar... took me a while to realize it's from Futurama
Konosuba season 3 looks weird
Not sure anyone will get this, but as an '80s kid, I'm particularly concerned over the latest Covid variant
But why do some ppl do it?
Lenin's speech to the sailors of the Baltic Fleet ,
Smart mouth for a Celt
I think I'll just put them in the Library of Steam
Don't do it in the winter especially
Just grab it with your full hands like a savage
Water Guy
biology just fuсkin with us
J. Robert Oppenheimer tests the world’s first atomic bomb. July 16, 1945
Moss is serious business
It's called "recycling" Karen
Do I need an electrician or a plumber
Hardcore flexer...
the hero we need
Damn it Japan
There was definitely a boost in patriotism
I found a lil Gem in my city
Shane Dawson 2015
The person who made it deserves a special place in hell.
guess I’m Hitler now
I apologize for being such a good sarcasmatic
The Omicron variant
it's time for a new tradition
Such a comedian
Not OC, but it’s too awesome to not share with you all
Latinos IS inclusive
Went by this site on an Amtrak train, turned to my husband and started singing, “The Simpsons…” and he looked at me like I was crazy. Serious question, is this grounds for a divorce?
Now draw me like one of your french girls.
Dont ask me how please
Settle down Bev
He was hanging his head out of a car window!
I fear no man but that cat scares me
You gotta admit it's much easier now
Ughh yes thanks
I’m saved
Gotta get us some bigger cathedrals
Yeah well, your chances ain't that good
Over Used, Over Simplified, and just plain shallow.
It’s like they didn’t even notice
Is it just me or do they always do this?
I may not be a history nerd, but as a paleo nerd I can say we are still very angry about the bone wars.