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Sozin did nothing wrong
Sigh... Dating barbarians never works out.
An old one but still make me laugh!
Truly the worst feeling
Never leave your picnic unattended in Australia.
The very TRUTH
Never wrote with the stroke before...
Being kazuma must be hard sometimes
The first Chinese tourist in Hong Kong Disneyland
Opening of thr first gender neutral bathroom In the UK
Killed that man
The Kids didn’t deserve to die…
John H. Sununu, the man who prevented the signing of a 67-nation commitment at the Noordwijk Climate Conference in 1989.
and thus, a 70 year long myth to get kids to eat their greens was born
For the bankers this was way worse than the holocaust
"The Boy Jones" broke into Buckingham Palace multiple times between 1838 and 1841.
Something something anime
Where did they come from? Where did they go?
There one and only desire throughout history
this is miserable
It’s usually a red truck too
Literally, thee gayest
You save a hell of a lot more than $600
Thanks for making my day, kind barista.
How does she hear?
He looks serious guys.
My parents neighbors house has me dying.
Whenever I need to remind myself of how good I have it
Kenichi: The Mightiest Communist
This’ll be fun
Crypto billionaires who aren't on the list because it's not tracked by banks and governments
Did somebody say weird camera angles?
Is this a win?
Im dyin. Help
haha yes
We are really screwed
A pilot's sense of humour
Anon starts a nuclear family
Fr fr
Circa 2000 bc colorized.
Work? We don't do that round here
Pretty straight forward
But we are smarter, yeah?
Funny, but kinda dark.
Our dogs got a electric dog paw cleaner for Christmas that cleans by rotating…
*chuckles* im in danger
Praise the sun ☀️☀️☀️
I'm also holding my breath so the stench doesn't burn my nostrils
That didn't worked out.
The Virgin Great Depression banker vs Chad Farmers
Still not a cult?
But what about abridged?
My neighbors put up their Christmas display incorrectly and it looks like Joseph and Mary are ashamed of Jesus.
I was on hold with Expedia for this long today
In need of some lubrication
Just say Hopefully.
What’s his rapper name
Mom I am intrested in the art of voice acting that transcends our world
I'm a UPS driver in December... this box just made day!
Do you have to poop, son? No Dad.
So I ...won ?
Moving scenes that warm your heart, the scene of soldier Meyer kissing the tummy of his pregnant wife, after 3 years of absence.
looking at you James you ***ing ***
Most often, I'm "That" friend.
why delay the inevitable?
Anon's brain keeps his pants clean
Local weatherman’s got jokes!
I don’t think they knew the implications.
Photographer knew what he was doing here...
That is some next level supervillain shit
2022 be like
Only the best of us...
merry chrysler
You guys still alive?
A Hero Indeed
How society wants men to dress VS how men really want to dress.
Time traveler: "sneezes" The timeline: Lieutenant Germany
They right tho
Also you can't get a job or enter university without being a member. Great fun!
I only time I use calculator is to see 5318008
Segregation in America
On the Dalton Highway Alaska, theres a sudden turn after a long straight that truckers called "Oh Shit Corner".
also in official documents
What did ananas do to you
what image represents learning a second language so you don't have to speak english anymore
oh no
Its an art
Merry Christmas to you all
Let's go treasure hunting
Sioux Falls police department arrests Mr. Grinch for attempting to steal holiday cheer.
Crispy Meme #518