Like that’s ever gonna happen! SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME-

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I like when character look and act their age
Casual British interaction
work work
Pepe/apu a day - 11 reparations
Take your pick.
Are you qualified for this job?
There’s always bigger guillotine
This is just true
How to show dominance
the wise
First documented COVID test, France
Welp, it's time to die
Generations of Memer's all drawing Chads
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant
Go ahead. Try it
Spotted at a local Wal-Mart
A photo taken before disaster.
Thank You Mappa !
District 13 checkin in
back to my favorite browser
based seed protector
Sugar and spice and ritual sacrifice
Teaching my kids how to play chess, I asked which one was the Bishop: "This one, the Elmo what has his eyes pulled out."
They gotta adapt to the environment I guess. I hope they at least brought some cold water.
The Winners
What did I say about invading?!
Punching Bag Arcade Game
Vertebrates planning their invasion of land, circa 358 mya, colourized.
Now I'm here not knowing what to do with life
isso dói
a Turkish soldier poisoning an armenian little girl with H2O
59 BC Bibulus-Feces incident
only 3. what a pleb
Communism breeds innovation. You won't believe what people come up with to escape it.
I finally made my dad proud (:
Coffee in The doors of Europe
Motorcycles in Iran before the Islamic Revolution
Draw hugelollers pls
Say goodbye baby
I may not have a GF, but at least I don't have an ATF GF...
This broke me.
probably already has been posted here
_Winner of the 1446 Grammy goes to..
The pork
Why do I feel like this is how a lot of poeple think about bisexuals?
When you think Germany had it rough
I can die happy now.
You've fallen for our trap, Oprah
Mater Dei, mors vincit omnia
hagia sophia
Eyo Luffy eating too much meat.....
The sun never sets on the British Empire!
Yes she is...
They both even got the same director.
Poor Albert
I don't even know what my crush would think
What you get for changing your email
Colonialism is not a simple topic by any means
Camera man: "nice a**"
Daddy joke back-fired
I would nazi that coming
Just let me take it
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 495 ✓
An adequate punishment
I finished watching it for the first time today and holy shit I was not prepared for that ending
34 other countries joined the coalition, making it the biggest one since World War 2
Was playing Ghost of Tsushima and thought this was funny. Sorry if it’s a repost
France: ha u cans not attack us Germany: *goes around* France: Frick! U cheater
If peter tampered with the spell one more time
Wrong Answers only
What’s your funky nft name?
stop sending me this shit.
Cursed Age Restrictions
Looks very promising
Crossbow discussion between Europe and China be like....
Sigmund Freud at a narcotics anonymous meeting
Dont say it DONT YOU ***ING SAY IT
What even is an isekai?
Save the turtle
And if they say "not wingdings" you can just use wingdings 2
Hospitals are hiring anyone these days.
I dont get why they hate on it its really not bad
Not exactly high-tech
Like, 'splain dat shit.