curling up in a blanket with a good book is heaven on earth

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I’m told OS did a video on the Pig War so it’s no longer obscure.
I only know 2
We Wuz Caesers
Tonight on "Romanovs"
SafeCumObama420 will make me rich
It is self explanatory
How to get into a man's pants
derman 3
My childhood qualifies as 'history' now and that makes me deeply uncomfortable.
Noticed an influx of commie apologists here.
Need a big mouth mommy gf
Which one was that again?
Literally everyone has done it at some point because it WORKS
over dere
My dad with fish / dad with me
Anon has a hobo problem
deal with it
Hentai can finally be tasted!
12kg cheese
The secret plan
i made a snow-fish
What a confusing time to be a pirate.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 496 ✓
serve fresh
Peaked in 2nd grade
It’s only the beginning
treasure hunt
In Die Hard , Bruce Willis is wearing shoes designed to look like his own bare feet and can be seen in certain shots of the film
It's freaking cold here in the northeast
Scene from my basement tonight. Thought this didn't happen in real life. Couldn't resist interrupting the hunt to pull out my camera.
the internet is a landmine of spoilers
Oh no, aw shucks, don't separate me from those crazy people.
I almost failed my marketing class at my private Roman Catholic University for this "Create an ad" assignment
The photo you ask your friend to send you the day after a night out because you thought you looked hard AF
Damn maybe im a Discord mod
now don't move
poor guy
Stings, doesn't it?
darse prisa
We getting old fellow lurkers
Four guys
She deserves it
I haven't seen nikoposting in a while
Like that’s ever gonna happen! SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME-
I like when character look and act their age
Casual British interaction
work work
Pepe/apu a day - 11 reparations
Take your pick.
Are you qualified for this job?
There’s always bigger guillotine
This is just true
How to show dominance
the wise
First documented COVID test, France
Welp, it's time to die
Generations of Memer's all drawing Chads
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant
Go ahead. Try it
Spotted at a local Wal-Mart
A photo taken before disaster.
Thank You Mappa !
District 13 checkin in
back to my favorite browser
based seed protector
Sugar and spice and ritual sacrifice
Teaching my kids how to play chess, I asked which one was the Bishop: "This one, the Elmo what has his eyes pulled out."
They gotta adapt to the environment I guess. I hope they at least brought some cold water.
The Winners
What did I say about invading?!
Punching Bag Arcade Game
Vertebrates planning their invasion of land, circa 358 mya, colourized.
Now I'm here not knowing what to do with life
isso dói
a Turkish soldier poisoning an armenian little girl with H2O
59 BC Bibulus-Feces incident
only 3. what a pleb
Communism breeds innovation. You won't believe what people come up with to escape it.
I finally made my dad proud (:
Coffee in The doors of Europe
Motorcycles in Iran before the Islamic Revolution
Draw hugelollers pls
Say goodbye baby
I may not have a GF, but at least I don't have an ATF GF...
This broke me.
probably already has been posted here
_Winner of the 1446 Grammy goes to..
The pork
Why do I feel like this is how a lot of poeple think about bisexuals?