Remember when Ryuuji fought the Armored Titan in the hit anime Attack on Titan? I sure do

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Modern Times Coming
Why did I make this
Pepe/apu a day - 30 the cool zone
Yes, he can't hurt you. He destroys directly
A true bilingual I see!
nuke mcdonalds for raising their prices (stop eating at mcdonalds by the way it's bad for you)
Learning about them in full detail was ***ed up.
No Inosuke that'
Someone probably made this before but whatever
The Birth of Antinatalism
That man's scary af!.
Posting Aharen-san memes until the anime adaptation date #21
After Hours
Thanks MJ
He is thankful
Never thought I'm gonna find a high quality anime after years
Does this make sense outside of Canada?
Industrial Melanism
I won a trophy too from my future wife.
Awkward family reunion
My friends mom mailed her a vibrator + included her own instructions
we know that feeling bro
Seen posted in the performing arts hallway where I teach. I love these kids.
Canada Tourism
We bought a label maker. This is the result.
Keep your mask on at all times
This tells a lot about gaming community
The ultimate friendship
The TSA increases their pre-flight security checks,
Literally in my home town this afternoon
Strongly hoping Dominatrix Downhill is gonna be a part of the Beijing Winter Olympics 2022
Painted on the side of a cinema near me
All software developers have been there
I Love My Cat !
Yup, I did
faster then the speed of light
Rough night but someone had to stay up with the baby.
the peak
a true sigma
My wife is antique shopping and threatened to bring this home. I’m pretty sure she’s joking but I still kind of want to change the locks, just in case.
Thanks Obama
The bad Ending
Everything was fine, UNTIL IT WASN'T
Last photo of high ranking Nazi war criminal Rëinhardt Hämorrhoiden colorized
The power of Hype < The power of Waifu
gas gas gas
Accepting a terrible deal and basically granting them autonomy counts as conquering right? Right?
Find yourself someone who looks at you the way Yelena looks at this last pringle
Surprised this wasn't made sooner
An elite squad of Rangers are flown home after a successful mission behind enemy lines in Vietnam
or do i?
First polygamous wedding ceremony
Although there are perks to walking in nature, everything reminds me of her
I told my husband I'd never won a trophy, so he got this made for me.
Yeshua Ben Yosef
Wanna buy a drink? Do the math first!
He's of no use
One can imagine Sisyphus happy by simply added air conditioning
Where have the years gone?
I really liked those assets
This anime is literally a gold mine
Caesar's sigma male rule
Ancient history had no chill
Dixie takes the L
They Also Enjoy Disagreeing With Actual Historians
Parents every tax season
Anon is curious
Cross post from free folk.
My Second Comic
Mad Max: Flurry Road
He ain't no simp
Men die by suicide in numbers almost four times that of women
The pain of reading the source material
Run's dead
Doctor Retribution
Something else also matters!
At least my rent is paid
Fox News none stop war against mods. Be careful
Greatest love machine
Working on a calendar of me enjoying all the seasons.
Queen Elizabeth II prepares to celebrate her golden jubilee
For four days Kazakhstan legally was the USSR until it seceded on the 16th
Chuckle Brothers
Hannibal Barca
The Ressurection of Jesus Christ,
Is it just me or...