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I'm sorry if I post something that has been posted before. Please provide a link to the original and/or have enough people support you, and I will delete. They are NOT intentional!

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Ninja in training.
Burn them. Burn them all.
Microsoft Pillows
Another Youtube Comment Win
Legit! No Photoshop!
God presenting The Asian
Your daily dose of wtf
Next election
Don't waste your milk!
How i have to eat....
No candy for you
Hey kids!
Rattlesnake in slow motion
That moment when you realize it's too late to run..
I do marathons everyday
No hard work today
The most realistic gif EVER
Cookie Skill
What did they photoshop?
The mobile pussy magnet
Keep stroking the furry wall
Burning Kick!
I wish this was my professor
Great pose
It even 'comes' with illustrations!
It happens
His Parkour skills are garbage.
Pokemon feels. ;_;
0 f*cks were given
Hmmm... What's th- F*CK!
USB... not what you think it is
Bad boy
True... true...
Night bloggers on tumblr get to the heart of the issue
Yeah, that justttt might work.
Feeling hookers
We've all had this happen . . .
Fake foul
Where? Im still looking for it
American FAILDOL
I love this man
The HUGELOL administrators with the reposters
I'm gonna die
"Hi gyus!"
... and each year, the cycle repeats
"Aren't we supposed to have antlers or something?"
I don't think that's right.
Robot videobombing breaking news
Lie Down. Try Not To Cry. Cry A Lot.
Creativity is not something that is lacking in Japan
Not a single fukk was given that day
Bath salts
World's Largest Penis (SFW)
Easy math
And growing up sucks
Big Bones Dont Jiggle when you move...
If you know what i mean
Sims IRL
He got a little too into the game..
Finding Nemooooohyeah!
Riiight... Don't talk to strangers...
Like i give a sh*t
Me vs the Internet.
GTA logic....
Librarian you're doing it right.....
Bathroom Graffiti at its Finest
Just another fly restaurant....
Instant Karma!
That's a great movie....
Man's best friend....
Go home bear, you are drunk (he didn't get harmed)
Uncle Phil would straighten her up
Praise the lord!
Well, she gets it.
Cat cliques.
You didn't see anything
Penguins can be a**holes too.
My decisions look a lot better now
Sorry to bother you
Calm your self
Let me find the nearest burn center for you.
Best song ever!
Maybe try pencil next time.
Just making a list
Making Assassin's Creed Kinect compatible wouldn't be that convenient...
After a LotR Trilogy Marathon
Not gonna lie...I'd be one of those people
0 F**ks given
When walking pass my crush in the hallway..
How to get rid of religious missionaries.