Buddy asked me to touch up his old science fair photo.... Didn't say how, though.

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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heavy is the burger that wears the crown
One donut to rule them all!
Ah yes, Wendy's, where we value our employees.
90s babies, are you okay?
One of these things is not a cat
muslim hagrid
And here I thought someone else could be blamed this time
Buh du du duh duh DUH DUH doo da da DA DA
Googled “gayest picture on the internet” then proceeded to enhance it somewhat in photoshop. Would be a shame if it got spread around too much..
Any time now
Sock thief thinks she's being slick
Bruh...Imagine you are invading a city and a guy pass you at 20mph on a bike.
Third times the charm
Good lord
Poor Russians
Follow me for more car recipes
Chad Ukrainians
the severe lack of women companionship ?
This man's creativity has no limits
Dark side of DIY
Me when the particular episode takes place on a beach
If you need me, I will be in the right testicles
FYI Australia is flooding again.
ukrainian special forces enter crimea 2017
Memes which are so deep and dank that they return to normal
You need ***es
You can find me in the club
Monke man is coming!
Pepe/apu a day - 58 this could be us
this low budget cosplayer is such a giga chad, change my mind
Dark Bidding
Only Shiro can save you
They have a powerful message. I just wish we could figure out what it is.
Bro seriously
Description below
Just noticed this sign at my local movie theater as I was leaving.
marin doing things the opposite way
That's a roast....
Venezuela 2.0 incoming
My biggest dream
Still completely support and stand with Ukrainian people but y'all are hypocrites
What a douche canoe
It's a fair point.
How my employer gave us his two week notice....
I might get hate for this but it needs to be addressed.
It seems to happen alot
Lmao got em
smells fishy
good luck
How do you come back from this?
What a difference 120 years can make, from innocence to why you’re laughing now
I saw this graffiti on a pier a couple years ago and I still think about it often
"I need ammunition, not a ride"
French school of warfare
Not now, not now or never?
My husband went to pick up a few groceries alone. I got a call from him for advice every few minutes.
Eren helps a friendly neighborhood Spiderman
My friend is a paraplegic and wore his Christmas gift for the first time. Everyone seems to approve of it!
Heck, I can’t even imagine waking up any earlier than 2pm
love the one you're with
My climatologist daughter made me a birthday card
My head hurts now.
No more tri poloski
Noah begins to build his Ark,
Sieg Bananaaa!
Cybernetic arm.
thats gonna get ya about 2 dollars
I will never buy one now
Gojo Chad
Don't take a hitman to take me down
Did someone lose their cauliflower in the Pacific?
Fighting talk!
Life of an Artist.•
Free tattoos anyone
Colonoscopy tomorrow, clear liquid diet today. So I'm making myself a nice, peach jello on jello sandwich.
Don't go outside
After 72h+ of resistance there's a joke going around between Ukraine soldiers:
open up nibba
benis :DD
this is serious shit
You can only hope it's the first one
World celebrates as Putin ends war to prevent further special aids deployment from USA, 1991
Based on a true greentext
We’re back baby