The Aztecs regularly made those in conquered territories give their own people to be sacrificed, as a tax. Not saying this made what the Spanish did right, but everyone was pretty similar at the time.

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title says it all
Ulysses Grant when he started his Presidency vs. when he ended it,
Mods Asleep Post Actual History Meme
like some long nose people
You see a different side to him.
Women bad
good boy :)
it's time to go outside
Imagine the alternate history with Muslim Soviet Union
An eye of an artist, in every sense of the word.
This feels like a threat...
Bybon my boy
Idk how you could even prepare for that. Y'all ain't The Revenant.
I also feel like I'll die after every run
think about it
f ...
Bro knows everything
“Will we finally be free?”
And it’s NOT just the OP and ED
They're all smol
And I am still not prepared
Giyu has a good idea
What are you studying hard for?
Super Marin 85
Bonjour っ
sex even
where's da bat
US Government removes the Cherokee People from their Land,
This is why I have trust issues!
space marin
Iranian Bikini Coffee shop, circa 1970
Marin's Italian Homework
why would he show off his shoes by only showing them partly
happy birthday to my cats =)
you can do it with your PC too
Just a regular beach episode
Gamer gf
Ratio is all that matters
I don't make the rules
Iranian flight attendant 1972
Just started watching, its incredible...
I think we've all experienced this
What my Hot Wheels looks like after stepping on it
Yes let me withdraw €60,000 from my account...
SoL enjoyers kinda have it easy
Putin isn’t the new Hitler, he’s the new Mussolini
Introvert compliments
Guess anyone can own guns.
It ain't much, but it's honest work.
Famous without saying much
The friend justifies the memes
thx jc
Sad Korean Girl
*Sad Viena noises*
how many people know what happened in tasmania for example?
You know it’s true…
Deshima time baby!
anon is the gamer of kiev
Flagrant false advertising!
I really should be studying rn..
>tfw no 4th wave
Y'all gonna respect Ulysses "Unconditional Surrender" Grant
Being a dude, in your 40s, dating online
But elephants and donkeys are so cool!
Edited this meme so it would make more sense
Philippines is a mess of local culture and Spanish influence.
WW 1 be like
Ohh those happy days.
I watch the news for the plot
The small difference can be painful
1 April 1995. Logan Paul is born, weighing in at a little over 50 kurics
We are heroes, they are zeroes.
Yes........ sharing
Dad please come pick me up I'm scared
They are both precious
It's not bieng a shut in, it's all for the culture
Every time I see Charlie Woods
Found the furnace manual…
Only day I can post this!
Perfectly balanced MC