Axes can be thrown. Swords and maces pierces throught armor. Sabers are light, precise and durable. Traditionally forged katanas can break if two of them clash.

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Stanley Milgram's obedience experiment, 1961
I'm sorry, my little pog champ
The actual reason why Tengen recruited theses 3
Impressive cement
"Greece you degenerate libtard"
I lied. There are girls on the internet.
Another one for the jacket
No ***es
Ultimate Sigma Rule
The Spring 2022 anime experience
Dicks out
What a difference a few words make
thank god anon would never advocate violence against other kinds of people
The Dressmaker Becomes the Dress-Up Doll
bears are brehs
Or if you break the vase you have to go to your room
This is why he's a multimillionaire and you just look at my memes (he looks at my memes but richly)
Majority of anime fans on twitter be like
So beautiful ;_;
Classical style that seamlessly blends into the original structure
Story of my life
The celebrity
I’m very lucky, you all are the same
But is he wrong tho?
Miwa got her perfect meme.
Emma is going places
The post-soviet era in a nutshell
Some of y'all are too extreme to be real
ya rly
Hard Work
It Must Run in the Family
Do you have a friend like that?
I found a 6 inch banana!
omg, stopppp
Marin shares her Wisdom
Boris yeltsin go brrrr
I see that as an absolute win !!
good boy
Sounds awkwardly similar
Movement canceled
Jean Your Seconds Ready
Look up
Issac Newton publishes laws of physics, 1689
This is NATO country!
it's time you guys learn what POV is
My friend got stuck in his work lift and this happened
Opium of the masses, for the masses, by the masses.
you weren't supposed to do that!
Meme discovered in Ancient Greece
Wall Street reacts to the crash of the Beanie Baby market.
where my quick readers at
Idc if I’m paying more attention to the words!
winter 2022
Why would people do this
na *** dusinig the shit of
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 560 ✓
I’ll never know which one was wearing the boots and it’s all I can think about.
Wake up, samurai
there are 2 types of protagonists
We’re off to a great start with the new puppies.
2 number 9s
It’s an old format but it works
The name itself sounds like a menace
I think we’re going to need a bigger room
smug dog
Lets hope he can keep his word.
Thank god, I am not born in July.
C'mon, it'll be fun!
give the man his cocaine!
noticing a pattern here...
kaguya and the president have been in this game for way too long
Fuwa Fuwa Time is at 4:20
anon likes sucking balls
fren posting
That's some sick beats you've got there.
I'm gonna stop you right there.
damnnn they got the mill in there
"Gojo" should be the name of a waifu magnet
Are you a boy or a girl?
That must be why I'm scrawny
chimpanzees are no better than humans