Sorry I know the joke is bad, but my 9yo niece told it to me and I thought it was cute

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easy af
Found this on my meme folder
Okay.png :(
"I'm not the Messiah "~ his face
learned it the bitter way
Sep 9th :)
Thought of this while deciding which to use
Work of art, Canada
Huh, so that's why Bleach was cancelled back then
I've been lied to
Fishing this, fishing that, why can't we get the same appreciation for agricultural advice?
they finally ***ing did it
The Day Chewbacca Shaved
I feel like this is more interesting.
Daughter lost her lost tooth. Guess the tooth fairy does things differently these days.
unlucky amy
I need more TP for my bunghole
Ahh yes, the first black president
Can’t wait to see these guys in concert…
My view of caesar's bust
Of all places to blow into the toy, they had to choose there
inb4 source
Time to break out the patio set
It didn't work out too well
Buzz off, Rachel. Jade is a real one!
For April Fools, I did the ol’ switcheroo with yogurt and watched my students gaze in disgusted horror as I casually ate during class.
Bought a bottle of Snapple today, got this.
Sophocles writes his first Greek Tragedy,
trans flag going at it.
We were always taught Excel in our computer class
Based on my first job interview
My friend got to Ireland a couple hours ago and immediately sent a snap of someone just carrying a swan out of a park
your so sexy aha
Why indeed?
Can't really stop ya until after as long as you don't blab.
I can't believe that actually sounds like a sneeze
um what do i do?
Not exactly the most... heteronormative culture
Aharen-san anime has allot of meme potential... and I have been having trouble sleeping
A gift from the past
She isn't here for the movie
Imagine typing, reviewing, and sending this to someone
Humor too good for a bot
Australian tank troops arriving in Europe to assist the british army
It isn't over yet
Yeah that'll show 'em
my tank now
My one edgy post of the month. Doing it early this time.
british girls and british cuisine are both disgusting
haha yes
badly want to creampie someone
But I consider as you are a Clan Leader
I'm more of a zeppelin guy myself
Ah dammit. I loved mayo
Split your lungs with blood and thunder
Komi can't communicate in a nutshell
Making Aharen-san memes for every new episode 1
serbia, also known as the place where all the war criminals come from
Elevator sign in UES Manhattan
The new flag of Canada
My college physics professor
Google carcinisation, y'all
Greatest traffic ticket
White people dont like spicy food... pfft
I have so much regret about my career choice
Found some sage advice
April Fool’s Day
Literary 1984
My “treat” for the other teachers today.
I was trying to buy a wallet.
They aren’t wrong with this one
You alright Americans?
Why’s that guy always smiling?
behold my people
Cat Stevens contemplates converting to Islam
Abolishing Child Labour Was A Mistake
Duct tape can be used for anything
Smol criminal
My 11 year old daughter's April Fools joke on us. She hid the toilet paper and replaced it with masking tape.
Taking applications
that's very accurate
unamused staring intensifies