And then you sell the Congolese rebels fake maps and trick them into planting them in your Bosnian l

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as one should
ain't no furry
old pot
why not
Why is it a hexagon?
yeah why?
i'm lerning
Anon's facial structure can't display a smile anymore
What was the most passive aggressive email you received from a professor?
found a new one
nail on the head
of course they did
i like MMBN
200iq move
god bless
A loaf of Hebrews
We do a little pandering
What she do though?
Old chap has got the moves
that's the real eldritch horror
hehe good one
Become ungovernable
My Sister's Chem 105 assignment that she just turned in. She's pretty ready for the semestwr to be done.
Long live the Mohgwyn dynasty
Dad: we won't get a possum. Also dad with the possum
taller then me
Atleast I Can Afford Penut!!
Free and No Strings Attached
Aussie where You guys at?
Hey guys remember in China when nothing happened at all
I wish I had at least one
US backed regimes in Latin America backed then were nothing to sneeze at
Your cat too?
It has been a tough week for everyone…
midget or weird angle, I can't tell
f ...
The original 1885 Coca-Cola recipe included cocaine, thats where the "Coca" in Coca-Cola comes from
Anya, I've got the goods.
A regular KKK gathering meal around 1950 A.D.
At least make yourself useful
Cats are lovely creatures
It is time my brothers... WE RIDE AT DAWN!
Domino effect boys.
Introverts ordering food be like
Doggo's bad fur day
All my homies hate sign posts
Sure thing, boss.
lmfao wiener
Oh look an air vent I can easily crawl through
It is said that Chika will still continue to fall even after the last episode is over.
Mans going places..
I’m convinced that my SO’s idea of when to start a new roll of paper towel is just “now”
You're done for
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 587 ✓
Seems sus
Fellow Neo-Gastonists, we have work to do!
Imagine if you will a system as intelligent as its citicens
classy frog
I want to believe
The path of least resistance
for gabriel
works every time
I mean, I won't do it, but I'm definitely curious!
When you really need a vacation
Hey guys what going HOLY FU-
Best poker face
nothing gay about that
60 cards in deck
love this movie
mini bottles for fisherman.. to make the fish look bigger
Ok so basically
true words
Owning a Minecraft server be like
only those with 120 iq can do this
Doogle go brrrr
yeah you *******
i know
No mercy
they shall not know about all the tax free imported figures
I think my coworker doesn't like sharing anymore.
100k karma post
yay two christmases
Quick 8 minute "edit" on Ibis paint
Neogastonist is not working for me