Excerpt on birds from Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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Teacher of the year!
Oh boy we sure will
horny go brrr
Papa look! I will be in TV!
Here buddy, c'mere!
Not sure if this has been done before
I mean they're not wrong
bow to the messiah
Thanks for the memories, Blue Sky Studios. You will be missed.
the US went from fighting small wars to having 1M+ casualties
This is my dads friends wallet…
Bronze age religions were a blast
Real pro
Yeah Judgy McHighmighty
the more you know
just a smile
First president of the United States, Oatmeal Rogers, painted 1796.
dry humor at its finest
We are them
My Saving Private Ryan entry for a Peep diorama contest at my work...was met with mixed results.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 588 ✓
A tribute to Bruce Wills found in my office area.
"Infinity War is best crossover" my ass
"Shrimp fried rice" posting. So hot right now.
Earth before the Iranian Revolution 1000 BC
Mrs. Butterworth's scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
well? what would you do
Asuka is best girl
Michael Jackson develops his signature catchphrase
whats up with them all of a sudden
It's time for HugeLOL to turn a new leaf
Average bayou resident
Pepe/apu a day - 103 Opium pepe
And then you sell the Congolese rebels fake maps and trick them into planting them in your Bosnian l
as one should
ain't no furry
old pot
why not
Why is it a hexagon?
yeah why?
i'm lerning
Anon's facial structure can't display a smile anymore
What was the most passive aggressive email you received from a professor?
found a new one
nail on the head
of course they did
i like MMBN
200iq move
god bless
A loaf of Hebrews
We do a little pandering
What she do though?
Old chap has got the moves
that's the real eldritch horror
hehe good one
Become ungovernable
My Sister's Chem 105 assignment that she just turned in. She's pretty ready for the semestwr to be done.
Long live the Mohgwyn dynasty
Dad: we won't get a possum. Also dad with the possum
taller then me
Atleast I Can Afford Penut!!
Free and No Strings Attached
Aussie where You guys at?
Hey guys remember in China when nothing happened at all
I wish I had at least one
US backed regimes in Latin America backed then were nothing to sneeze at
Your cat too?
It has been a tough week for everyone…
midget or weird angle, I can't tell
f ...
The original 1885 Coca-Cola recipe included cocaine, thats where the "Coca" in Coca-Cola comes from
Anya, I've got the goods.
A regular KKK gathering meal around 1950 A.D.
At least make yourself useful
Cats are lovely creatures
It is time my brothers... WE RIDE AT DAWN!
Domino effect boys.
Introverts ordering food be like
Doggo's bad fur day
All my homies hate sign posts
Sure thing, boss.
lmfao wiener