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Lurker since the dawn of times, the sudden rise of JoJo memes has awoken my stand「shitposting」

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minsk incident
I saw an elf shank another over a mistimed ear flick
well, it was a good run
Ppl that twerk at pacman failing to use scissors
Credit card of the Forbidden One
never forgotten
Saw this bumper sticker on a car that was driving slow.
Respect to the fallen heroes.
What a jabroni
When one door closes ...
Really laying that one down.
One bedroom, three swing bungalow - $99,900
A family member drove past this place today, wanted to know if they “read balls.”
ADVICE NEEDED! at a friends house and demolition man never explained how this works
Different time, different values
He wasn't fired because he was a dumb son of a ****, although he was
I swear it wasn’t me
Thanks lady...
feels this way every time
land of the free
he drivers everything
gotta respect the hardwork...
Just chillin and look over and see this.
Our cat now lives in our dryer.
whole gang for this one
accidentally paused at the best moment
Ben Hur exploiting a loophole in the rules of chariot racing, AD 26
Paripipi Chika
one seed to rule them all
literally 5 years old based me
“They’re in the third zipper from the right; inside the second pocket. If you pass speedway you’ve gone too far!”
Daniel and his vagina
classic guy goof
most liberal Bulgarian
Be careful on turns!
they ain't hiding it
French style
text first
my brother has prom today, him and his date are gonna come back to find this in his bed
Saddest last words of some of the most important thinkers in history.
Water please
*scroll scroll*
Bing do be like that
Tesla turns in grave
*wiggle wiggle*
To be or not to be the messiah ?
based corpse
Oh God that's depp
Pepe/apu a day - 112 Every day on hugelol
Hot take: The stump is the best part of the muffin
A beautiful story
I felt like such a "hustler" when I first sold a card, lol
My friends share these. They amount to "eat less." b1tch, I work out and track calories. u need less
Will and Jada go to couples therapy.
My friend tried to draw me on my birthday card, it did not go well
*cries in potato gamer*
Orders Are Orders
Pretty sus
Don't skip arm day
Follow up to the airplane video
Those sneaky creatures
My wife tends to gather her hair and stick it to the wall in the shower so it doesn’t go down the drain… so, I had a little fun today and framed it.
Current life situation
Hazard Man strikes back
Keep on shoveling.
Interesting choices they're making. s long as Twitter's happy, I guess.
Ahhh... Ahhh... Her! wait no, Her!
C'est parfait
Elon doesnt want you to know
My friend designed a floor plan in 30 minutes
Greenpeace is founded
You have no idea what filth is.
Uhhh.. I don’t think we have that color…
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 597 ✓
Joseph Stalin reading ‘Animal Farm’. 1945
Joseph Stalin and Nikolai Yezhov, 1937, Colorized
I would say true story
Convince me this isn’t one of the greatest inventions of all time.