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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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time travel fail
Caesar still a dick tho
Build me a yacht with everything on board. I don't care how much it costs!
My mom caught this bear in front an appropriate license plate in Lake Tahoe
One more time
Made me laugh, cat not so impressed..
TBH I'd still keep it untucked
Know your unicorn
My life really is an anime
That officer is asking a whole lot out of that bullet proof vest.
*Task failed successfully*
Appreciation to black and white
The meme camps
poor komi
… sending the wrong message here
My dad's official NYC Boiler Installation license photos from the 1960s-1980s.
My Grandmother in Korea 1952
Anya would approve
It’s high school graduation weekend in my town.
those poor blueis
Slow day at CNN
"Roger, so you are right above the ground?"
The people need to know!
Stealth mastery
80hr work week
what can i say im an impatient frick
Equality vs Etiquette
i love this kinda stuff
Tom Cruise training for Top Gun 1986
+100 Luck
Welp. here we go again.
Mmm taste like human
Sauce: Paripi Koumei
Animal kingdom be wilding
Holy crap…they still make these?!?
Execution of Johan Alfred Ander, the last person to be executed in Sweden, 1910.
"Jesse! It's time to morb!"
“I’m ***ing done Brenda, take half of my swamp and the kids, I don’t care, I don’t want this anymore”
Fruit Loops will not be pleased about this.
Can't stand her
Our microwave options sound like rejected superhero names.
Denver Airport owning the crazy
I won’t say their names cause I don’t want spoilers
beta child
Tom Cruise training for his role in Top Gun 1986
Is this the new SpongeBob and Light?
Sigh. My teen stole her first sign last night.
Naruto chinese censorship is wild
Picture of nuns waiting in line for the morning prayer, 1970
Hans, I can hear ze color of ze snow
oh oh
Sir Lancelot invents soccer while waiting for Guinevere in front of her castle
First documentation of a Covid-19 test, circa 1553
real table tennis
confessed his crimes in his song and he's surprised he served jail time
First look at the redesigned One Dollar Bill releasing in 2023
boomer moment
one piece two piece
Felt like a king
Are you not entertained!?
"My father will hear about this!"
Jojos really changes a person...
Another practical use for WD-40.
Our new jobs in the metaverse.
Autismo cat
Not a fan of tests, myself
Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor after reading the script to Revenge of the Sith
Decided to have a little fun with my Colonoscopy by hiding this in my ass crack.
Why not Lubljanja?
Last Supper ruined
Hope I got my ticket..
Dad, what does “Accessibilty” mean?
Every mechanic knows…
dOnT mEsS wItH tExAsS
Donner party, circa 1847
anime industry can be weird sometimes
Scooby-Doo Where Are You! gets launched on BET Network
Become ungovernable
Wens Kissmas?
My mower
Cover your mouth
Happy pr*de month