Went to a new barber. Asked for my part to be cut in. SHE MOWED A ***ING 1/2” STRIPE OUT OF MY HEAD!

repost of https://hugelol.com/lol/1
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There is currently an art exhibition in my home town Örebro, Sweden. This is one of the installations. Castle for reference.
No Way Jose
The inventor of dominos 1957
It is what it is
luv yo pa
Queen Victoria was halal.
Steve Irwin holds a very big croc for the first time!
Charlie Damon and the Burgess folding shotgun.
come and fight me like a man
glasses + badass outfit + big personality = perfection
Sounds like fun
That Dodgeball Episode was wild
Loid the clown
Christians started disagreeing with one another, so some of them created a new Bible
very intriguing conversation starter
There's just so much white
We must go for our dreams
This groundhog taunting my Dad by sitting on his trap.
It became my daily routine
GOOD. Now I get to learn how garages work.
Found this with my grandmother's recipes after she passed recently.
Earlier I posted a picture of my wife’s “unique” nail color choices. Here’s what I went through choosing the paint for our home…
Never have, never will.
they were edible
Nikola Tesla invents the Death Ray,
My wife always sends me pictures after pedicures. She claims she’s never used the same nail color twice…
How Starfield was born
anon's friend
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 651 ✓
I dont know anything about dinosaurs now.
Stumbled upon something, had to do it.
the design is very human
Sith-Fil-A here in the Texas heat
For those losing their account, please contact me!
Rest in Peace, Chief Joseph
get out of my sight
Wouldn't recommend trying that one in real life
Pledge to protect
Western Pennsylvania moment
He once stated those racial theories as "anti-scientific drivel"
Funnily enough, this claim wasn't even accurate.
Makes sense now :)
Time Magazine - Vietnam War Special Edition - 12 June 1964
Windows compatibility is insane!
I bet its modded Skyrim
Weird how that works
Cool party trick to impress your friends!
Really ruins meme culture, doesn't it?
It’s perfect
I opened my door to the friendly neighborhood cat for all of 5 seconds and he made himself VERY comfortable
They know where the sauce is
Do you do subs or dubs?
Famous Ugandan TV host asking guest's gender before the show. Circa 2015 AD.
History facts
Now everything makes sense
It doesn't always work Trotsky...
prehistoric memes go brr
Lucky lad!
Nobody's talking about the US internment camps. Which weren't nearly as bad, of course, but the concept is still outrageously inhumane
It wasn't just lions at the Colosseum
You guys are alright..right?
Bow down ***es - Indian supremacy
2008 Housing Market Collapse
Both of them survived many assassination attempts during Cold War
Holy shit that's one of the most smooth moves a man can pull
A One Punch Man Live Action movie has been announced, directed by Justin Lin
Character select screen be like
There's definitely room for both of them
The real monster of Stranger Things… Will’s barber
Still Taking mad shit for someone with such a flamable countryside
His bankai was spittin facts.
Say racism no to respect
I swear, Lost Causers are almost as dumb as Holocaust Deniers
"They aren't supposed to fire back!" - the gang members, probably
posted this on another sub but it got taken down so I'll post it here
How much elegance?
very interesting
Nooo you can't criticize that, I already formed my whole personality around it!
who's cutting onions over here?
Found this in a drawer at an old house we’re renovating
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 650 ✓
those memories still follow me to this day
Found at work today
Remember the sacrifices these brave men made for their country