The get well basket my wife made me for my vasectomy today

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Hope she did well on her exam
Fellas, let’s have a discussion!
"...butt cancer cells"
If only it worked this way...
Smol boi
New computer background images incoming
The slavers lost get over it.
My Dress Up Darling Netflix Adaptation
A Welshman saves his girlfriend from a fire
Spy eks family >>> Spy family
got two mom's!
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 678 ✓
step mom
Well, I've found rock bottom, alright.
This no smoking sign
my congratulations
Battle of Waterloo
Heat Wave? No problem for this pooch.
In college, my coffee table was an unassembled coffee table still in its box
Need A New Teacher !
thats probably why so many HLer are inactive
pizzA time
obama is gone
“Love sausage”
How technology evolves
i just thought the scene fits
Hard Boss
Daily Machikado Mazoku #54 And thus begins my popular phase!
She's finally graduated guys
two guys
Call me, beep me, if ya wanna reach me
I photoshopped a lemur as a pirate
It never was and never will be
i.p man
Just depressed
History repeats itself I guess
My coworker’s revenge for the city putting a speed hump in front of her house and a sign in her yard.
Ultra Chadillionaire Grindset
Dumplings from hell.
Ohno Taiichi's role in transforming the modern view of Japan cannot be overstated
Chivalrous duel
Israel history meme
communist parties in the 1920s and 1930s be like
It makes too much sense to be a coincidence
Know Thy Difference
When there's only 1 couple in your friend group
Big Brother is not impressed.
what if L just minded his business
heil painter
New is not always better
Chee Chee the Monkey, Cold War sniper. Died in battle. Was also very dangerous in hand to hand combat.
My mum sent me this
Margarine pot before Islamic Revolution. Circa 1964 AD.
You’re bad at the game
Just Vibin with Napoleon
Hans potterman and the prisoner of stalingrad
Lol get ***ed.
Christopher Columbus encountering Americans for the first time
My BF specifically remembered purchasing the tampons. Turns out he did!
Best spot in town. Sauce is Vermeil in Gold
Top 3 answers on how they spend their time; “too many breaks”, “staring off into space”, “talking excessively”
big rocks gliding
I am throwing a party
Yor can't cook
Weeb's Favorite Pastime
My friend's dad is Vector from Despicable Me
Can we talk about the raw power of Luke Skywalker’s force kick!
Neighborhood app
Don't mind if I do!
Kenta-kun is next level
Wierd Wild West
Energy post
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo
God bless her soul
New employee starting today brought "brownies" in for everone with this note
dem stomach butterflies go brrrr
"Close, yet so far away."
negative iq behavior
Holy mother of uh ohs
No wonder they are paid so much