Christopher Columbus encountering Americans for the first time

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My BF specifically remembered purchasing the tampons. Turns out he did!
Best spot in town. Sauce is Vermeil in Gold
Top 3 answers on how they spend their time; “too many breaks”, “staring off into space”, “talking excessively”
big rocks gliding
I am throwing a party
Yor can't cook
Weeb's Favorite Pastime
My friend's dad is Vector from Despicable Me
Can we talk about the raw power of Luke Skywalker’s force kick!
Neighborhood app
Don't mind if I do!
Kenta-kun is next level
Wierd Wild West
Energy post
Ore wa ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo
God bless her soul
New employee starting today brought "brownies" in for everone with this note
dem stomach butterflies go brrrr
"Close, yet so far away."
negative iq behavior
Holy mother of uh ohs
No wonder they are paid so much
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 677 ✓
yeah... no problem...
Goblin Slayer's no madman, he's doing a good deed
German numberplate.
A sign in a segregated school in Mississippi.
Conquistador humiliates Mexican border guard who tried to profile him. 1535
Context: the livestream got taken down yesterday
Real chads be like
A poor meme without gif
Just noticed this the other day
Gustave Fechner invents psychology. 1854 AD.
It comes full circle
Think I shot to many marijuanas today
Not so vegan anymore huh ??
I'm looking at you Germany
I don't how to host a party nor what the party is about but you're invited
It's the back pains man, they kind of ruin the illusion...
A french peasant who has saved up enough money to buy a bit of bread, 1789, colorised.
How it feels reading ancient Chinese Civil War casualties
Pulled up next to a pirate on the highway
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 676 ✓
It isn't that hot they said
My wife and daughter just left for a 3 night girl bonding vacation. I don't give a *** if I'm 47 years old I'm doing this.
Makes sense
yes which one
It's just a quest OK..
I'm sorry darwin but I don't think they'll do it for science
Highschool DxD has to be Big 3 right?
I'm not the only person right?
Mario arrives at Ellis Island
Despite his injury, Alexander the Great leads his troops to victory over the Malli
They're responsible for us
The one true winner
It's done. Someone had to say it.
Just need to whip up some summoning circles
This is for Florida drivers!
I’m sorry but The Roman Empire would be a pretty shitty place to live.
supercritical pondering
You've failed in your mission Fairy.
a honest man
Posted on the time clock
Same author btw
Everyone mourns in his own way
A sign at a local comic shop
Great acoustics
Germany is the capital of the clown world
She's about 3,016 years of age but she lookin' fine.
When try to bluff, but your stupid threat to turn the river in to blood actually somehow works
How to trigger a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan
Gaming Spine
just don't talk
Damn right
Even if it is literally a rock surrounded by water
magnus carlsen play league of legends you scrub
Jared Leto starts a cult
Anatomy of an Italian
homemade gun
"Guns are so primitive" -- meanwhile in Wakanda
I can't pause an online game mom!
Don't know if re