They were Gods, till they saw the bright light ... twice

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WWII: The Wholesome Ending
short night
what's the hustle?
something never changes ,still same
"Hi there. I just moved in next door. I'm a supermodel."
say it ain't so
someone made a difficult choice
I took a stupid photo, and it has become the default photo my family now sends each other instead of ‘ok’.
Genghis Khan establishes Eco-Fascism. 1200 AD.
oregon trail
Duality of Hugelol
And you choose to thank us with that 7-1 thrashing at home in the FIFA World Cup?!
Money saving
What are your opinions on this ?
Two truths and a lie. I’m a surgeon, infertile and-
How the tables have turned
Jeez, thanks a lot Edward II and your lame-ass Ordinances of 1313
are you gonna swallow?
AI will destroy us.
Could be doing worse
Sorry pops, but it's like that
Hatuey in 1512 was a real Chad
Absolute insanity
the real estate market just before the housing bubble burst
A treasured family heirloom, our Florida souvenir ashtray, ca. 1983.
literally no argument here.
The tone of this well-meaning, old postcard has changed ever so slightly over the years
The laundry room in the apartment basement has a casino
It's so nice to see a game like this during these times
a cool walrus
When the government fights back
they wanted feedback
Finally! A worthy opponent!
▭⃘ ப̲ ▭⃘
I'm sure those glorious civilisations did nothing bad
the best fortune cookie
Tale old as time
I had an interesting start to my day
It’s SCIENCE okay
They hate us
This must be where baby kites come from…
I'm single cuz I'm broke
Genos meets Soldier Boy
don't do it, it's a trap aa
well.... they have an ***.
I distinctly my dad saying "act cool" so I threw my arm up way too high like I didnt have a care in the world. casual as ***.
My friends got this note on their car for parking on the public street
Flat Earthers. Your theories are obsolete.
We Know What You Did Austria... Never Forget
Meme template by my friend
Saw a very relatable meme on ig
The advent of dogfighting, 1916
b l o c c
it was boys fishing trip
Monkey chews
The Glasses Troupe
Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll)
Good boy
Saw a very relatable meme in ig
The modern toilet paper is invented
Somebody toucha my spaskhett!
I need answers...
Begone wench, my hands are reserved for Northern Song dynasty ladies
Typical Android thing
Akira Toriyama: Source? I AM the source!
how to troll somebody online
Very mysterious
Reset 100
Funny ideas for your weekend
I know from personal experience
Who is your hero
Proud member of the Woodrow Wilson hate club
Take a second to digest
Baki on Netflix was an... Interesting Anime.
can't it both be love:)
Your sentence is a lifetime of no poutine
Incorrectly Correct
I have evidence of my findings.
Uno reverse card
Egyptians flee from the invading Sea Peoples
Meow Mother***er
A friend send me this cause she's a girl now I have doubt about her existence
Was watching the Tour De France and thought this was funny, sorry if my sense of humour is a bit dry
The last thing a White House photographer sees before being vaporized, circa 2008
Not even talking about www
Was playing Stray and found a meme
Google is useless
No I'm not sorry
Bethesda made a street in real life!