If you’re gonna die, might as well die with style

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100% Pilfered Memes
Gandhi's letter to Hitler, 1939
Hope this fits the sub.
The whole internet.
damn yanks
If you’re venturing out into the nature today, don’t forget —>
"its the fight against communism" they said
Why does this have to be hard i'm losing my edge
I mean ... he’s spitting fax
Always doing this
I will rate it.
Still miss you Chester!
A very interesting miim.
It takes one to know one.
Lelouch vi Britannia is best girl
They find a way
Did anyone said Murica ?
Ahh Left 4 Dead days
Satan himself is scared
close look at the famous Neil Armstrong photo
Well yes, if you think about season 4 the FINALE
Name a more iconic trio… I’ll wait
How many eggs?
cold microwave
Apparently the Bandō POW camp was so nice that 63 German POWs chose to stay in Japan after WWI ended. Less than 30 years later POWs were literally being eaten.
It could have been worse
*** it. Who needs maths
Seriously though, what's up with that
pizza time let's goo, oh oh no
500 years ago today, the remnants of Magellan's expedition returned to Spain
Boys sometimes too
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 734 ✓
It's an older template sir, but it checks out
We are living in 1984
Or until someone literally shits and giggles
Kowalski Plz
Don't tell them I'm American.
Fools meme
I swear i tried......
Viva la revolution!
Behold: The ideal prussian
THis is the downfall of something something
It empowers the cat
Poor Bourbon
The ADL warned it could be based.
Don’t watch it
shit they’re in
where did that misconception even come from?
That’s pretty shitty
Ahead of its time
Chad Ukraine
Hog ligma
what's the ***ing point of even trying? No one wants to work my ass.
Deservedly so at that
this meme format definitely isn't dead
Literally the internet right now-
We all love Daft Punk
This is going to get me sent to the ranch but I don't care
It’s a double standard
the differences are so interesting!
The best artists IMO
It looks like he has really long balls. Is this in style again??
This shit was not in his contract
My wife, who calls me “Poop”, made lunch for me this morning to take to work. My coworkers all thought I was gross.
Those were the sh*t
Really makes you think
Remember to add this to your Re-Su-Me
I simply do what I must
a tale as old as religion
Schrodingers stupid
The pavement is for peasants.
Predator vs Youth Icon
Ain't easy
she's been waiting for this moment
1k+ episodes simply isn’t enough to satisfy me
Agincourt was wild
Fight for your rights , my warriors
What a clever disguise
Start of racism
shop till you drop
what's your name again?
LOTR shopping cart wheels
The start of American Civil War ,1861
Is this a threat??
Everyday Wehraboo Americans
The metaverse is nothing but shit
End of the road
Spider-Man: D is Gone
Jólakötturinn, or The Yule Cat in English
Mother nature was on the dude side
Bin Laden laughing in corner
*COUGH* dragon maid *COUGH*