Imagine getting mad because some enjoys their freedom and money

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Battle of Castle Itter be like
One of them is not like the other
Apple is like the Internet Explorer of the smart phones
I can still criticize a person or country’s actions despite what everyone else was doing.
Better luck next time
Joined a softball league, first game ever got hit in the forehead by the ball
never go full MURRICAA!
That's not a tomboy. That's a tomman
thaddäus tentakel
Good luck everybody
Oh thank goodness, got a little worried there
Stop right there you criminal scum!
He likes woman who can kick his ass
Asking a hugelol user about his day
Be polite to robots
Cyber punk
The one time we wanted them to surrender
Every empire falls one day
*auuughh snoring sound*
California is so hot you can use your meat thermometer to check the weather
Chad mom
List of frens
Found these while working at a rehab hospital…
If only more women knew
Doing it because the profession
My kink
There's a reason Diocles happens to be the highest paid athlete to date.
Pocket Queens
You knew where you were going
Giga Sandler
Chernobyl’s Reactor No. 4 undergoing planned maintenance
Bro satisfyed 25.3 clients a day.
My girlfriend asked me if I was alright with “Crisp Rice”
damn idk what to put here
Insults are almost as good as arguments, right?
When the hivemind glitches and goes after 3 instead of 4.
Bus : shake that head for me
Times are very different
Not a male moment
go on, artists with too much time. uuuuu won’t
Stupidity at best, some serious racism at worse.
*loads shotgun with delicious intent*
♫Moj je tata, zločinac iz rata♫
Me everytime the song comes on
The age old question has finally been answered
That demon bro has seen too much
If you’re gonna die, might as well die with style
100% Pilfered Memes
Gandhi's letter to Hitler, 1939
Hope this fits the sub.
The whole internet.
damn yanks
If you’re venturing out into the nature today, don’t forget —>
"its the fight against communism" they said
Why does this have to be hard i'm losing my edge
I mean ... he’s spitting fax
Always doing this
I will rate it.
Still miss you Chester!
A very interesting miim.
It takes one to know one.
Lelouch vi Britannia is best girl
They find a way
Did anyone said Murica ?
Ahh Left 4 Dead days
Satan himself is scared
close look at the famous Neil Armstrong photo
Well yes, if you think about season 4 the FINALE
Name a more iconic trio… I’ll wait
How many eggs?
cold microwave
Apparently the Bandō POW camp was so nice that 63 German POWs chose to stay in Japan after WWI ended. Less than 30 years later POWs were literally being eaten.
It could have been worse
*** it. Who needs maths
Seriously though, what's up with that
pizza time let's goo, oh oh no
500 years ago today, the remnants of Magellan's expedition returned to Spain
Boys sometimes too
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 734 ✓
It's an older template sir, but it checks out
We are living in 1984
Or until someone literally shits and giggles
Kowalski Plz
Don't tell them I'm American.
Fools meme
I swear i tried......
Viva la revolution!
Behold: The ideal prussian
THis is the downfall of something something
It empowers the cat
Poor Bourbon
The ADL warned it could be based.
Don’t watch it